Windows 10 5 Tools


 hi guys i'm from windows ce myselfand today i'm going to show you five tools forwindows 10 that extend the operating system andpractical functions you know, poor people and i are not big fansof extra software and areconvinced that windows 10 isalready very offers many practical functions, especially when it comesto optimization, for example,we also regularly show importanttips on our channel, so please subscribe,because there are things that

not,this includes, for example, theautomatic change between light anddark design and mac os and androidyou can now automatically switch betweenthe design circumstances depending on whetherit is day or night the small program offers this andsome other practical functionsandin this tool you can set thatwindows 10 for example at 7 a.m.the light design and at night at 9 p.m. thedark design e In addition,

the design with sunrise and sunsetbased on where you are at the moment.Of course, you can alsoconfigureif only the apps should adapt during the day and nightand the taskbar should alwaysremain whitethe wallpaper could also beadjusted as with mac os so you can have abackground for the day and one for thenight, so if he works in starbucks during the dayand becomesbatman at night, which is why you recommend auto night

that lies easy on the fineprogrammingthe app is open source and must beinstalled but itdoes not edit the registry does not create anyentries in explorer and best ofall it does not run in the background autoleitmotif ends namely the windows 10integrated taskscheduling a service that is on every windows computer anywayrunsover it will change sel between dayand night automated so that the app

we can autonomously and therefore onlyrecommend because it is a small butuseful adjustment of the system thatmicrosoft has already implementednumber two is directly a modificationin the windows system developed by noneother thanmicrosoft the micro soft power tools is atool that was first developed under windows 95 forprofessional userstoday they are available and they arereally a handy tool that can ensure moreproductivity on the pc

features broken down for you my favoritefunction of this collection is powerrename with it you caneasily rename several files at the same timeimagine you have justimported ten photos from the camera onto your computerand you want to upload them to your wordpressblogso that you can save them found again laterdo you have to give these files ameaningful name ijust have the photos from the prosieben service here andi want all these files to be on the

i will make aright click for you and go to farmers women andhere i just replace in thatcase what all works have files in commonjust try it out with surfacenormally i would have to do itindividually now and reallydon't feel like doing thatso now quickly the second reallygreat feature of the power tools are thefans the songs so that in the zones forthe window management if you're ona laptop or any pc with

can save a lot of time and work muchmore efficiently almost as ifyou had several sp s for this youfirst open the settings of the power toolsand go to the left if it's ushere it goes directly for allsongs you will see different templatesand you just choose one which a Mbest suitsyour way of working if you have a larger displayyou can maybe also have four windowson here at the same time I am on myservice, however, I usually only use

columns, so I canwrite and have my document in the middletwo windows on the left and right forresearch the windows ten partner iscan do a lot moreand anyone who describes themselves as a poweruser or wants to becomeone because none of us has become a windowsten professional shoulddefinitely install it for the partyyou can then, for example, simplypress and hold the windows button and you will findan overview of shortcuts that way

by the way you will automatically become a windows ten professionalif you subscribe to windows area deand watch the videosregularly just as a tip onrande now we continue directly with tipnumber three and that is a prog ramm that isaimed at real and hard-boiledwindows professionals who usesmultiple monitors or the virtual desktopswill love this programjust to repeat you may knowthat you can createa new desktop with windows control and de

control and the arrow keys thenswitch back and forth this is useful, for example, if you need two monthsbut only one main if younow have a program on one desktopand would like to move it to the otherdesktop volt you willnormally first select windows andpress the programs anddrag to the new desktop if you run moveto of the blog this can also bedone without installation then it is easieryou right-click on the title bar of

then select a desktop or eveneasier press windows than and theright and arrow keys left nowit also goes to program number four thew indows 10 taskbar is actuallya real fossilthere are a few options foradapting the design but it's justnothing tangible nothing concretewant to change a bit morewithout destroying the entire system right awaythat's exactly the right thingyou can do with it display the taskbar centered

make it more transparentthe program fortunatelydoes not create a background process but alsouses the integratedtask planning of windows tenth ithink the centraltaskbar looks modern you get used to itsurprisingly quicklyand especially if you playthe songs together with the fans the power toolsuses shortened and even the mouse pathsand if a good piece while that is one ofthe better modifications for windows

it doesn't always behave very closeand e.g. occasionally thetaskbar has to be realigned thatmodification As far as it is concerned, it isone of the better fits barix you can get itfor just over a euro in themicrosoft store but the programis also available free of charge on gridswhoever wants to support the developerswill find links to them directly in the descriptionunder the downloadlinks the donation pagedevelopers so that you can

for example, iam sure the developers wouldbe happy about even the smallest donationand now also for the last tool which isnot only incredible for power userscan be practicalhe probably knows that if youwanted to delete a file and windows 10 has somethingagainst it usually it is that thisfile is currently being used by someprocess but youdon't feel likefinding the house which is just is with the

just open the programimage to solve chen the file andit will be removed the best thing about it wecould easily just use itand not install it at all aportable version is availablefor download free of charge in the descriptionyou can simplysave it somewhere if you don’tfeel like finding out why windowsjust don't delete your files actthen you just use this programso that's all five

functionality to your systemwithout unnecessarily burdening it we atwindows are also such gentlemen andonly have them in the descriptionOfficial download links of thedevelopers are linked andwe really only recommend tools that we likeourselves and here everything issummarized again.The start was made in this video by theautotag, which lets you easily switch the Windows 10design and the wallpaperbetween day and night

the practical power tools frommicrosoft you can rename several files onthe fly and give the windowmanagement a properbook the third toolbar move to desktopwith which you can move a windowto anothervirtual desktop at the speed of light andtasks turns on the taskbar bitsexy unlocker then finally allows youto delete files ifwindows just doesn't feel like it right awayso that's it from me

if you liked it and youwant to see more tips tricks and tests on the subject of windows 10 then give it Subscribing to usand would love to have alight one anyway I say thank youfor looking bye and see you nexttime


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