Windows 10 Tipps und Tricks


 hello everyone a very warm welcome tothis microsoft windows 10. my name's deb and i'm goingto be your instructor for this courseand this is the first introductorysectioni'm going to go through a little bitabout myself we're going to review whothis course isfor i'm going to talk you through thestructureof this course and then finally i'mgoing to cover

make so firstjust a little bit about me so i'm amicrosoft i.ttrainer and i specialize in the designdelivery and facilitation of microsoftcourses bothonline and in the classroom and i'vebeen using windows in its variousdifferent versions for about25 years now so i've really been able tosee how windows hasevolved since around the mid 90s upuntil the present day

10 beginnersso if you've never used windows 10before then this course is going to beperfect for youalso if you're used to using a muchearlier version of windowsand when i say earlier version i'mtalking aboutsomething like xp or maybe even vistathen again this course is going to beperfect for you because windows 10 is sovastly different from those two versionsof windows

from a more modern version so i wouldsay windows 7windows 8 or 8.1 then you're still goingto get value from this course becausewindows 10has a lot of differences but there mightalso be some things which are verysimilar to the version that you're usedto usingso what i would say to you is if you'regoing through this course and you get toa moduleand you think to yourself this is very

usethen by all means skip over that moduleand move on to the next onenow when it comes to the structure ofthis course i'm going to try and gothrough the courselogically i'm going to cover all of thesectionsin sequence this course is made up of anumber of differenttopic related sections and within eachsection you'll find a number of moduleswithin each module there will be a

video and those videos will be up to 15minutes longyou'll also find scattered throughoutthis course usually aroundone per section you will have anexercise to completeso the purpose of these exercises isreally just to give you a chance topractice some of the skills that you'velearned in that particularsection and then at the end of thecourse there will bea quiz which will just test your

so it gives you a really good chance tosee how far you've comefrom the beginning of the course to theend now the final thing i want tomentionin this module is the assumptions thati'm going to makeso i'm going to assume that you have aninstalled copy of windows 10and you'll see in the following modulesthat there are a few different versionsof windows 10 as welli'm also going to assume that you're

on a desktop pc ormaybe a laptop and what i mean by thatis that you're not practicing windows 10on a mobile phone device or a tabletnow tablet is very interesting you'llsee when we get into windows 10 there isan option to move intotablet mode which is specificallyrelated totablet users now i'm not going to focuson that in this particular courseeverything i show you is going to bemore related to

and laptop users however i would saythat if you do predominantly use atablet you're still going to get valuefrom this course becausea lot of the features i demonstrate indesktop mode are not that dissimilar tothe tablet mode but just bear that inmind as we go throughnow with all that said if you don't havewindows 10 already installedwe're actually going to cover that inthe next moduleso i'm going to head over there now so i

hello everyone and welcome back to thiscourse on windows this section we're going to betalking about how you can acquirewindows 10 if you don't already have itnowjust for clarity i am using a laptopdeviceit's running windows 10 and you can seehere i have avery nice desktop picture background ofa beachand this is just one of the standard

from within windows i'm going to beshowing you how you can personalizeall elements of windows including howyou can change up yourdesktop background picture in latermodulesbut this module is about acquiringwindows 10and i would say that if you already havewindows 10 on your pcor on your laptop this is one of thesections that you can skiphowever if you don't already have it

because we're going to go through anumber of things in this module whichare going to be reallyimportant for you to know so the firstthing we're going to talk aboutis how to identify which versionyou are on i'm then going to show yousome of these system requirements forrunning windows 10.i'm going to show you how you canacquire or download windows 10 if youdon't already have itwe're going to talk a little bit about

accountsand local accounts and then i'm going tospeak to you about howyou can upgrade or install windows 10now i will add that in thisdemonstration i'm not actually going toinstall windows 10 because i alreadyhave itbut i'm going to show you where to gohow you do it and give you a few tipsalong the wayso let's start out this module with howyou can identify

and for this you're going to need tolook at your system informationnow in order to pull that up there is aquick shortcut way of doing thatyou need to hold down the windows key soif you've never used the windows keybefore if you look down at your keyboardand find where your space bar isyou'll find that it's either one key ortwo keys to the leftof your spacebar and it looks like alittle tiny window that is your windowskey

windows key and press the pause keyon your keyboard and you'll find thatlocated somewhere over on that top rowtowards the right hand side now somekeyboards and this does include mineyou may have to add in the function keyin order to get pause to activate so formei need to press the windows key functionand pauseto quickly get to my system informationand you can see here i can now see whichversion of windows 10 i'm using and it's

editionwindows 10 homeso this moves me on quite nicely to talkabout the differenteditions of windows that you candownloadso i'm just on the windows homepage ofthe microsoft websiteand you can see here it's saying to mecompare windows 10 homeversus pro so these are the two mainversions that you're going to be dealingwith home

thisstage microsoft do tend to like tochange uptheir web pages so what you see herewhat i'm seeing on this pageby the time you work your way throughthis course this page may have changedvery slightlybut as always if you jump onto googleand type in windows home or windows proand microsoft it's going to take you tothe relevant pagenow if you want to do a comparison

home versus pro to see which one isgoing to best suit your needsif you scroll down this page you'll seeyou get the direct comparisonso you can see all of the features thatare included in windows 10 homeand all of the features that areincluded in windows 10 proand as you would expect you do getslightly morefeatures in windows 10 pro now i willsay and there are a few more featuresdown here

features that you get with windows 10pro so the fact that i'm using windows10home for the purposes of this course isgoing to beabsolutely fine everything i need toshow you is covered in windows 10home but if you are considering whichone you want to download i would comeonto this pagehave a read through and then make thedecision as to which one is going tobest

is that windows 10 home is probablysuitable for the majority of peoplei would only download pro if i need todo something likemaybe join a business domain so if ineeded to connect to a domain at workthen i would need to download windows 10pronow if you're not really a hundredpercent sure it's definitely worthchecking with your itteam at work and asking for their adviceas well

editions of windowsenterprise and education the enterpriseversion is available byvolume licensing and most very largeorganizationswill have some kind of enterpriselicensei will say that you can't just walk intoa shop and buy the enterprise versionand the same is also true for theeducation version which is mainly forteachers andschools now both of these versions are

we won't be covering thembut just be aware that there are thosetwo additional versionsas well now another thing that youshould definitely checkprior to downloading windows 10 is yoursystemrequirements and what we mean by that iswhat is the minimum required in order tobe able to runwindows 10 on your pc laptop or tabletsuccessfullyand again if you jump on or google

it will take you through to themicrosoft support site and you can seethere on this page what your systemrequirementsare for running windows 10 successfullynow when it comes to acquiring ordownloading a copy of windows 10you can jump on to the microsoft storenow i'm currently in the us microsoftstore but make sure that you go into thecorrect one for yourlocation and you can see here i have anoption to purchase the various different

of windows 10. and if we jumpinto the windows 10 home i'm going toclickshop now and you can see that you havetwo ways of obtaining your copy ofwindows can choose to download it and iwould say these days that is themost popular it's instant or you canchoose to get it on a usbor flash drive now as i said most peopledo get it via the downloadbut it's worth bearing in mind that

of spare space on your pc to enable youto download a copy of windows 10.also if you don't have a particularlygreat internet connectionit might be better for you to get theusb versionbecause sometimes if your internetconnection isn't particularly greatand you choose to download a very largefile which this isthat can take a very very long timetying up all of your system resourcesand possibly preventing you from doing

you're choosingwhich option you want now the microsoftstore isn't the only place that you cango to purchase acopy of windows 10 there are many manyother websites out there which areselling copies of windows 10. i wouldadvise however that you do try and buyfrom a reputable sourceand also we still have the what issometimes termed as the old-fashionedwayyou can walk into your local computer

be something on the lines of pc worldand you can pick up a physical copy ofwindows 10 to installonto your pc or laptop so a fewdifferent optionsfor you by far the most convenient isthis download optionfrom this page now in the followingmodules we are going toset up an account on our pc in windows10and one thing you're going to need todecide is whether you want to use a

or a local account and by default youwill be asked to use a microsoft accountit's a very straightforward process toset this up on microsoft.comand we are going to go through that inone of the later modulesi just want to briefly introduce theconcept to you in this particular modulenow there are pros and cons to each andi've actually just jumped onto the microsoft support forum so thisis a community forum where people postquestions and then other people provide

asked the question regarding microsoftaccounts versus local accounts onwindows 10and they actually get a really goodcomprehensive answer just here which isdefinitely worth a read throughbut to give you a basic overview of thedifference between the twoa microsoft account gives youessentially a singlesign-on which is similar to a googleaccount or somethinglike facebook if you log in or operate

access to things like onedriveyou can also download apps so using amicrosoftaccount makes things really convenientbut there is a little bit of a costto that and the majority of the conswith regards to microsoft accounts arerelated tosecurity now i'm not going to delve intothis too much at the momentbut i will say that if you're not reallysure if you understand the differencebetween the two

google googling microsoft account versuslocal accountand doing a little bit further readingas i said i am going to go into thisa little bit more when we get to thatmodule but it's good to give yourselfsome background knowledgeand this particular answer is prettydetailed which is why i like toshow this particular answer definitelyworth a readnow a local account is one that's justset up

that if you do choose to set up a localaccount you canswitch it to a microsoft account laterand with a local account each userof the pc has a separate account it'sstandalone so it's good forsecurity so it might be that you havethree members in your family andeverybody uses the same pcyou may want to have a different accountfor each member of the family so whenthey go to the pcthey click on their name they log in and

settings all of their shortcutseverything that they needwhich is completely different to theother accounts that are set up locallyon that machine so that's definitely onething to think aboutlocal account versus microsoft accountsso i'm now back at the windows storewhich was the page that we were onpreviouslyso when it comes to upgrading orinstalling windows 10we've seen how simple that is we just

that we want to download and then we canchoose how we want to download thateitherby electronic download or usbif i just click back to go back to thishome pageyou can see the top here it says readyto upgrade to windows i would definitely click on checkcompatibility if you're upgrading fromanolder version of windows and again thisis where you'll have all of those

windows make sure that your pc or the devicethat you're usingmeets all of those requirements beforeyou go inand purchase your copy of windows if you have any trouble when itcomes to installing windows 10 i wouldalways advise you just refer tomicrosoft.comthey have some really great supportpages and you can normally throughreading

people's questionsyou can normally fix your own problemso having downloaded windows 10 youshould be ready to start using itso that's exactly what we're going to doin the next modulewhere i'm going to walk you through howto get startedusing windows 10 so i will see you overtherehello everyone and welcome back to mycourse on windows this module i'm going to show you how

so we're going to start out by taking alook at starting windows 10 and alsosome of the lock options that you havewe're going to go through the desktopwe're then going to take a look at thestart menui'm going to show you some options youhave when it comes to workingin tablet mode i'm also going to showyou the options you have forshutting down windows 10. so if you'realreadylet's get started now when it comes to

windows 10one option i want to start with is thelock screennow the lock screen is particularlyuseful if you areat work and you've got lots and lots ofdifferent applications openand maybe you just need to pop away fromyour desk maybe you need to go to ameeting or you're going to lunch or on abreakand you don't really want to close downeverything that you've got opened on

but at the same time you don't want justanybody to be able to walk up to your pcwiggle the mouse and access all of yourapplicationsso a good option here is to lock yourscreenit's going to keep everything runningand open in the background but it'sgoing to pop up a password so thatsomebody can't justjump onto your pc and look at everythingthat you have openso the quickest way to lock your pc is

alt deletenow what you see i get is i just get mydesktop background picture and this is adifferent one that i have on my actualdesktopand it just shows some basic informationthat i have on my lock screen and aswith always in microsoftwhat you see on here is customizableso i have the time and the current datei can also see in the very bottom lefthand corner it's telling me that i havethree email notifications and then on

connected to wi-fiand i can also see the percentage ofbattery power that i have left in mylaptopand you can also see that i actuallyhave it plugged in and chargingat the moment so once you lock yourscreen when you come back to it allyou need to do is to click on yourscreen anywhereand it's going to take you to your lockscreen and it's going to ask you to login now again on the bottom

two accounts set up on this laptopso i have my account that's currentlyhighlighted and there's also somebodyelse who has access to my laptopwith a local account somake sure that you select your accountand then you're going to be asked foryour pinor your password now i prefer to have apin but that really is just personalpreferenceand again in some of the later sectionsi'm going to show you how you can

with a password or if you want to usesome kind of pinyou can see above that i have a pictureof myself then underneath that i have alinkif i forget my pin i can get a reminderand i've got a directlink to my sign in options just thereand then in the bottom left hand corneragain we have some symbols so it'stelling me thatmy keyboard is english united statesi can see my wi-fi connection i can see

and then i have my power button if iwant to do something like shut downcompletelynow at this stage i'm just going to logback in by typing in my pinso now i'm back at my desktop so whilstwe're herelet's just do a very quick tour aroundthe windows 10 desktopnow on the main part of the screen inthe top left hand corner you can seei've got a couple of icons there i havea recycle bin

these are desktop icons and some peoplehave a lot of desktop iconsother people not so many now i'm in thatlatter group i tend not to have too manyicons on my desktopi prefer to have my icons pinned acrossthe bottom in my taskbarbut again this is very much personalpreferenceand what these desktop icons are areessentiallyshortcuts to the applications so if iwant to quickly access my recycle bin

hereand it's going to jump me into myrecycle binthe same thing with edge if i wanted toopen up the edge internet browser i candouble click and it's going to take methere straight away sodesktop icons will appear on yourdesktopand i'm going to show you how to createthose a bit later onnow running across the bottom now wehave the windows key

to cover the start menu in a lot ofdetailin some of the following modules so i'mgoing to leave that for now but it is avery important buttonwe then have the search bar again we'regoing to cover that in later modulesi then have a number of icons on mytaskbarand these tend to be the applicationsthat i use all of the time so you cansee i have on there a lot of themicrosoft applications so

i have a couple of internet browsers ihavethe camtasia software that i use torecord these videosi have a link to file explorer so i canquickly access my documentsand also a very quick link to mysettings as wellnow again what you see down here is verymuchpersonal preference and i'm going toshow you how you can essentially addthings or remove things from this

again in some of the following modulesthen finally right over on the righthand side we have ournotification area and in older versionsof windowsthis was referred to as the system trayand again the icons that you see downhere are customizablenow i like to have icons that displayinformation that's useful to me so ilike tosee if i have my volume muted i like tosee what my battery life is

then of course i have thetime and the date there as well and thenfinally right on the very end we havethis kind of it looks like a little bitlike a speech bubblethis is the action center and if iclick on this this gives me an overviewso i can see there at the top veryeasily the last twoemails that i've received and then ihave a number of differenttiles that i can essentially click on orclick off to toggle

the only two of those i have turned onarewi-fi because i am using a wi-ficonnectionand i also have my location running aswellbut for example if i wanted to turn onbluetooth i could just come over hereclick on the bluetooth tile and that'sgoing to very quickly turn that onfor me now this little action center andall of these tilesagain can be customized to what's going

to you as you might have guessed we aregoing to cover thisin a later module finally at the bottomthere i can very simply adjust thebrightness of my screenby dragging this slider up or downso lots of options in there now beforewe leave this module i want to brieflyjump back tothis start menu and there's quite a lotto cover in the start menu so i reallywant to justintroduce you to the start menu in this

now the start menu you'll find underthis little windowsicon all the way over on the left handsideso you can either click on the windowsicon to pull up the start menuor alternatively if you press thatwindows keyon your keyboard that's going to allowyou to access itas well now this start menu has been abit controversial over the yearsso for anybody out there who used

if you can remember back to that windows7 was very muchjust the menu part of this screenthen when we moved on to windows 8 and8.1microsoft introduced these tiles thatyou can see just hereand a lot of people really didn't likejust having the tiles they missed thatmenuso kind of what we have in windows 10 isthe compromisea combination of both so we still have

windows 7 style menu system but we alsohavetiles there as well if we want to usethemnow again we're not going to delve intothis too much in this modulebut i just want to make you aware ofsome of the things that you have on hereso if we start with just this menurunning down the left hand sideyou can see that we have access to ourpower options if we want to shut down orrestart

settingsi can jump directly to my picturesfolder andalso my documents folder so if i clickon documents this essentially is goingto open upfile explorer and jump me straight to mydocuments folderand then i have access to essentially myprofile my account on this pc now movingacross to this middle sectionthis is where you'll see all of the appsand applications

and these are all listed in alphabeticalorderand any applications that you've addedrecently to your systemwill be listed at the top so you can seehere that recentlyi downloaded or installed microsoft edgeand i also downloaded microsoft teams aswellnow if i want to scroll through thislist you'll see that i havea little scroll bar at the side here soi can then scroll through

and as you mightexpect if i want to open one of theseapplications i can just select it fromthe menuin order to open that application nowall of theseletter dividers so you can see herewhere it says a where i'm currentlyhoveredif i click on a it's going to take meinto this little alphabeticizedpanel so if i want to jump to somethingin particular so maybe i'm looking for

i could click on m and it's going tojump me straight down to that part ofthe menusystem so don't forget that you havethat there as welland then on the right we have our tilesso these are very much those windows 8windows 8.1style tiles some people love thesesome people hate them i am a little bitlike i don't tend to use them so muchbut i do know a lot of people who doreally like using them now i don't have

inany particularly nice logical sequencebut what you can do is you can add anyof your applicationsor apps as tiles you can organize theminto different groups so you can see atthe top here i have life to glancewhich is one of the groups that windows10 automatically creates for youyou can rename these groups you can addmore and you can add whatever tiles youwant tointo those groups and again it's just a

applicationsand any apps that you have so if iwanted to open excel i can just click onthisexcel tile and that's going to go awayand open excel for me so very verysimple to use now as i said i'm notgoing to speak a lot in this courseabout tablet mode but i just want toshow you if you are using a tablet whereyou can go to switch ontablet mode essentially so i'm going togo back to my start menu i'm going to

and i'm actually going to go to settingsi'm going to click on this little cogicon i'm going to click on systemand you'll see here in this long list ofoptions one of the options we haveis tablet mode now i like to keep thewhen isign in option to use the appropriatemode for myhardware and that's because when i signinwindows is going to automatically detectif i'm using a tablet

to switch the mode depending on whichone it picks upand when you switch into tablet modewhat it essentially does is it optimizesall of the windows featuresfor a tablet device so for example itwill give youmore room in between icons because it'sallowing for yourfinger as opposed to a mouse cursornow you don't have to have the useappropriate mode settingyou can set it to use tablet mode

on a tabletyou can just switch into that mode andhave it start up in that modeevery single time there's a few otheroptions in here for customizing tabletmode which you might want to look atif you do use a tablet device nowsaying that an even quicker way toswitch into tablet mode and this isparticularly usefulif sometimes you work on a desktop andsometimes you work on a tabletif we go back to that action center in

right hand corner you can see one of thetiles that i have here istablet mode so i can very quickly toggleit onor toggle it off depending on whatdevice i'm usingat any given time now finally i justwant to talk to you aboutshutting down windows 10. now of courseif you wanted to you can justpress the power button on your devicealthough i would saythat sometimes that's quite a harsh way

recommend if you are just going toswitch it offmake sure that you've fully savedeverything and properly exitedall of your applications don't leavethem all open and then just turn thepower button off that'snever good it's what we would call ahard shutdownnow your other power options if youclick on the start menu again so i'mgoing to press mywindows key you'll see at the bottom

power so if i click on power i havesleepshutdown and restart so sleep is a goodone to useif maybe you're going to sleep at nightmaybe you've got a lot of stuff openyou can put your pc into sleep modewhich won't close down everythingbut it's going to use very little powerso all you need to do to log back in themorning is touch your keyboardtype in your pin or your password andyou're up and running again

on the tin it's gonnashut everything on your pc down and turnyour pcoff and then finally restart is probablyan option that you've used many timesbeforethere might be occasions where you needto restart your device such as if you'veinstalled maybe a new application whichrequires a restart in order for it to beable to workthen you might want to use that optionand it basically does a shutdown and

automatically restarts your pc and willland you backat the login page when you type in yourpassword or your pinso those are the options that you havenow there is one more option calledhibernatebut again i'm going to discuss that morein latermodules but for now that's a very quickoverview of how to get started how tonavigate your way around the windows 10desktop that's it for this module i will

in the next onehello everyone and welcome back to ourcourse on windows this module i'm going to talk to youabout running appsand desktop programs so this is one ofthe most frequent things that you'll dowhen working in windows 10once you've logged in you're going towant to start to open your apps andmayberun apps as well so we're going to gothrough the basics of that

that i really want to highlight in thismodule is the difference betweenapps and desktop programsbut we're going to start out by taking afurther look at that start menui'm going to show you how you can startapps and desktop programsi'm going to show you a really nicelittle feature that will help you workinmultiple different windows so we'regoing to look at snapping appsand then finally i'm going to show you

applications that you haveopen so let's start out again by takinga lookat some more details related to thatstart menu now we looked at thisin previous modules and we know that toget to our start menu we can eitherclick on that windows logo in the bottomleft hand corneralternatively we can press the windowskeyon our keyboard now when that start menupops up obviously you've got your

side and then you have thosetiles in the middle i'm going to delvemore intotiles and organizing them in latermodulesbut all i really want to show you hereis the fact that you can actually modifythe sizeof this start menu so if you're findingthis a little bit too big a bit toocumbersome then if you hover your mouseover the right hand side you can see iget that little double headed arrow

to make that a little bit thinner i cando exactly the same at the top so if iwant to make it shorteri can just click and drag that down sothat allows me to see a lot more ofwhatever i've gotunderneath that being an application orjust my simple background like i dohere now i find that a little bit toosmall so i'm just going to drag mine upvery slightlyand also back out again now as we'veseen previously if you want to

itis to scroll through your list ofapplications which are all organizedalphabetically and you can click to openso for example i can clickto open up excel now another way that ican do thisis i could select my applications fromthis tiles area now i don't have a greatdealof stuff in this particular area at themoment i am going to add to it as we gothrough the course

example if we keep it consistentif i wanted to open up excel i can seethat i have my excel icon underneaththis life at a glance sectionif i click it it expands that littlefolder i can then click on the tileagain just to launch excel so a coupleof really simple ways just to open yourapplications from that start menunow one thing i want to point out inthis menu in particularis if we scroll through you'll see thatmost of the items in this list

identifythat particular item but if i scrolldown you'll see that some of them havethis littlefolder icon so if we look at this onehere where it says microsoft officetoolsi have a little folder icon now withthese folder icons what you'll also seeis that you'll have a little drop downat the side so if i click to expand thatit's going to show me the items that arelocated

reason why i'm highlighting this to youis because sometimes that can be alittle bit confusing when you'researching for a particular applicationif i give you an example if i wanted toopen up the notepad applicationon my pc if i jump down ton which is just below i don't havenotepad in therenow i know that notepad is installed sowhere might that be lurkingwell in this case i happen to know thatnotepad is a windows accessory

my w areayou can see i have a folder here againwindows accessoriesif i expand that it's going to show meall of those accessories and one of themthereis notepad so what i'm trying to say toyou here is if you're looking for aparticular application you can't find itit might be that it's locatedin a folder now you're not going to knowthe name of the folder that it's locatedin a lot of the time and of course there

applicationsthan going through every single folderbut i'm going to get on to that when wego through all of the options we haverelated to searchbut just be aware it might be lookingsomewhere different to where you thinkso we're going to leave this start menufor the time beingand we're going to shift our focus downto that task bar that we have runningacross the bottomnow as i mentioned before this is kind

of opening up my applications i like tohave all of the applications that i usemost frequentlypinned to this taskbar and there's a fewreasons why i prefer this methodone of them is that they're super easyto accessso you can see down here i have veryeasy access tofile explorer if i just click it opensit upand pretty much all of the applicationsthat i use i have the microsoft office

and on the end herei have some applications that arerelatedto the recording of this video so youmight be wonderinghow do you get your applications to bepinned down on that taskbarwell again it's pretty simple we'regoing to jump back into our start menusowindows key and all you need to do isfind the application or the desktopprogram that you want to

tiles here actually i'm going to pin themicrosoft storeright click on the tile or on the menuitemgo down to more and you can see that youhave a pinto taskbar option one thing you'll alsonotice in here is you also have anunpin from start option so if i wantedto remove the storefrom that start screen i could choose tounpin itbut for now i'm going to select pin to

so there we go if you now glance down atthattaskbar you'll see that i've added themicrosoft storeto the taskbar similarly if i decide atany point that i don't need a particularapplication pinned to that taskbarall i would need to do is right click onitand select unpin from taskbarand it's gone so whilst this isn't anexercise i think it would be really goodpractice for you

applications and desktop programs thatyou useall the time and just practice pinningthem downonto your taskbar now if you want to anypoint to rearrange theorder of the icons that you have downthere it's just a simple caseof grabbing the icon and dragging it toits new location so you can see therei'm dragging file explorer alongand i'm going to put it there after myweb browsers

you'll see thatsome of my icons have a blue lineunderneath them so you can see googlechromefile explorer excel and then a couple ofthe icons towards the end of my tasksbarand all that basically means is thatthat application isrunning so it's open somewhere on my pcyou'll see if i open up the microsoftedgeweb browser as soon as i do that it gets

that web browser down i no longer havethat blue line therenow again what color this line appearsin is completely customizable and wewill get onto that when we talk aboutpersonalizationnow another thing that's worth noting iswhen you do have a few different thingsopenif you want to switch between yourapplications so currently i have fileexplorer on topif i wanted to switch to my browser

on the browser icon in the taskbarand it's going to pull that to the frontif i switch back to file explorerclick again and it pulls that to thefront so a very easy wayto switch between your differentapplications that you have opennow one thing that's really important isunderstanding the difference betweenapps and desktop programs you'll quiteoften hear them used interchangeablybut they are actually quite different soan example of a desktop program would be

something likeexcel or word or powerpoint or even awindows utility so somethinglike notepad like we were looking atearlierthose would be desktop programs whereasapps tend to be something that are a bitmore self-containedso for example netflix is an app thati've downloadedsolitaire is an app that's beendownloadedand the difference between apps and

up anapp it is very much independent fromeverything elseso the app will have its own menu systemit will have its own wayof working with that app whereas desktopprogramstend to work in a similar way you'llhave the standardwindows menu drop-downs contextual menusall of those types of thingsso let me just show you an example of anapp i'm going to jump into this

so we have the app openand you can see what i mean it has amenu in the top left hand corner withits ownstyle of menu system now one thing thatyou'll notice is a difference withwindows 10 particularly if you've comefromwindows 8 or 8.1 is thatin those older versions when you openedup anapp it would open up in full screen modeso you wouldn't see the taskbar or

aside from that app now that doesn'thappen automatically in windows can see even though i've got thisapp open i can still see my taskbarrunning across the bottomhowever what you'll find in most of theapps is there will be some wayfor you to switch that to full screenmodeand i can see in this particular app inthe top corner i havefull screen view which just gets rid ofthat taskbar and allows me to work with

in the particular application i thinkthese days most of us are used to theconcept ofapps we all have mobile phones we alwaysdownload apps onto our mobile phonesit works in a very similar way here icould jump into the microsoft storei can browse through their apps and ican load apps ontomy pc now when we were looking at thetaskbar i was showing you how you canswitch between apps simply by clickingon the relevant icon on the taskbar to

frontanother little feature that you have isthis little icon justhere task view and if i click that whatthat's going to do is it's going to showmeeverything that i have running on my pcat the moment so you can see i have acouple of excel documents openi have a powerpoint presentation open ihave myrecording software because i'm recordingthis tutorial

through and seeother items that i had open earliertodayyesterday and even further back thanthatand if i want to switch to them i canjust simply clickto pull that into view so this littletask view is a great way of really kindof getting an overview of everythingthat you haveopen another thing that i like to do inhere is i like to come in here to close

things opensometimes it's a little bit tedious togo through switching to each applicationand closing things downif i go into task view you can see if ihover over this book oneexcel i get that little cross in the topcorneri can just click it and it closes it soi can just go throughclicking the cross on each document thati no longerrequire and that is actually a lot more

now i want to show you something that isa facility that i useall the time i find myself constantlyworkingin two different parts of the screen sofor example i might bewriting some notes for a training coursein wordand i might also be doing some researchon the internet related to that trainingcourse trying to work out what i want toputin the course so i like to have my

screen and my word document openin the other half of the screen andwindows 10 gives us this really nicefeature called snappingwhich allows us to easily do that so letme do just that i'm going to open upword just by tapping on the iconand we'll just do a blank document i'malso going to open up my microsoft edgebrowser now if i want these in each halfof the screenall i need to do is go up to the top ofmy edge browser

the top and kind of pick up that windowand then i'm going to drag it all theway over to the left hand sideuntil i see that little ghosting when ilet goit's going to snap to those ghostedboundariesand cleverly what it does is it thenminimizesall of my other running applications andi can choose which one i want to displayin the other half of the screenso in this case i want to display the

i now have them bothorganized perfectly in each half of thescreennow it's also worth noting that you cando this with up to four documents so icould havefour documents in each corner if iwanted toagain what i would do if i maximize thatif i grabinternet explorer and this time insteadof dragging it over tothe left hand side i'm going to drag it

the corner and you can see i get thatlittle ghosting just therelet go and it puts it in the corneri can then choose what other applicationi want to show in that half of thescreen so i'm going to say show mypowerpoint presentationand then i could do the same with word icould pick that upi could pull it up to the top corner ofthe screento snap it in place and then i couldhave another application there if i

now i don't tend to like to work likethis i find the windows a bit toosmall but if you do have a much biggerscreen or a bigger resolution then youmight find that particularlyuseful and now this leads me on to myfinal point in this module and that isclosing downapplications now i have three thingsopen on the screenand i can simply click the cross toclose down word click the cross to closedown powerpoint

window openanother way that i could close this downis if i hover overmicrosoft edge in that taskbaryou can see i get that little windowpreview and if i move up i have a littlecross in the corner and i can just clickto close that down another way that youcan shut things down and if i open upmicrosoft edge again is if you likeusingshortcut keys if you do control f4 andthat will also close your window down

to take inas i said do have a practice findingthose applications that you usefrequently and pinning them andorganizing themon your taskbar that's it for now i willsee you in the next modulehi everyone welcome back to this courseon windows this module we're going to talk aboutuser accountsnow earlier on i mentioned that you canhave

need to set up one or more accounton your pc or laptop so that you canshare it amongst other people soan example i would give there is if youhave apc at home and there's multipledifferent family members who use that pcyou can have a separate account for eachperson so they can login and have access to all their owncustomizationsand settings so in this module we'regoing to cover the basics

out by going through the user accountsettingsi'm going to speak to you a little bitmore about a microsoft account versus alocal accounti'm going to show you how you can createa new account on your pcand then i'm going to show you how youcan delete user accountsso on my particular laptop i have twoaccountsset up on here one is for myself andanother is for a member of my family

pc are set up in two different ways oneof them is a microsoft accountand the other one is just a localaccountso i'm logged in as myself currently andthe first thing we're going to do isjust take a quick look atmy settings so we're going to go down toour start menui'm going to click on the cog icon tojump to our settingsand we're going to jump straight intothis accounts

is where i can see all of my informationabout my account so the first thing youcan see thereis you can see a picture of myself youcan see the email address that i'm usinghereand you can see that i'm anadministrator now as i said this is amicrosoft account so this is the accountinformation that i would use to loginto office 365 or microsoft 365it's known these days and you can seeunderneath i have a link to manage my

could manage all of my billinginformation because if you remembermicrosoft 365 is subscription packageand i can manage all of my settingssurrounding my microsoft accountyou can also see here that i am anadministratorso that means that basically i haveaccessto do pretty much anything on thislaptop it's the highest level ofaccess that you can have and you mightwant to make multiple people

have one personthat's entirely up to you but as anadministrator you can do things likeadd other accounts delete counts thingslike thatyou'll also notice that occasionally inorder to run an application with a highlevel of privileges so maybe you want todo somethingthat could if done wrong affect therunning of your pcquite often you won't be able to runthat unless you're logged in

things we have on this page here you cansee it's telling me that i can sign inwith a local account instead if i wanttoand then at the bottom i can choose tochange my pictureso i have a camera option hereand i can also browse for a picture if ihave one saved off to my local drivesso this all comes under the your infotab insettings let's move down to emailand accounts so again at the top here

my account which is a microsoft accountbut i also have the option to add anaccount and we are going to add anaccount in a momentand you can see all the differentoptions that you have you can set up amicrosoft account a google accountyou can set up a local account lots ofdifferent kinds of accounts that you cancreatethe next option down is sign in optionsand this really allows you to controlhow you log into your pc or laptop and

particularly with some of the newerlaptops or pcs that you'll buyyou'll have now these sign-in optionswill varydepending on the device that you'reusing so i have a verynew laptop so i pretty much have accessto all of the different sign-in optionsfor example windows hello what windowshello allows you to dois instead of typing in a password or apinto log into your device you can

laptopwhich uses facial recognition torecognize it's youand then it will log you in so that's areally cool little featurenow one that i have set up on here isthe one that i prefer actually and thatis this windows hellofingerprint so again this may or may notapply to you it really depends if youhave a device that has an inbuiltfingerprint scanner now mine does it'sjust a little square

basically when i set up fingerprintscanning it scanned my fingerprint andnow to log in i can just place my fingeron that little square and it will log mestraight in so it's really quick andefficientit's also highly secure because no twofingerprints are the same so there's nottoo much of a chance of anybody elsebeing able to come alongput their finger on the pad and login toyour pcso aside from those two new options

on the device that you're usingwe have all of the other options as wellso you can choose to sign in with a pinas opposed to a password you can sign inwith a physical security keyyou can have a standard password or youcan even havea picture password as well so a lot ofsigning options there and it's reallydown to you as to personal preferenceand also what your device is capable ofnow if i wanted to do something assimple as resetting

because i'm using a microsoft account ifi scroll down to the bottom here you cansee that it says changing your microsoftaccount passwordand that essentially is going to take methroughto office 365 where i'll need to changemy passwordand that's because i'm using a microsoftaccount you'll see it is a little bitdifferentwhen you're using a local account thatsimply resides on this pc

you can jump to here it's then going toask you to open up one of your webbrowsers and it's going to take you tosome informationwhich will talk you through how tochange that passwordnow i'm not going to go through all ofthese options over here but i do want tojump across tofamily and other usersand this is where i want to delve moreinto that microsoft versuslocal account now there's lots of

in with a microsoft account so forexample this is the account that i useacross all of the microsoft productsso when i log into my laptop using mymicrosoft accountand i open up applications like exceland wordit's all tied together it's all loggedin under my samemicrosoft account and i have easy accessto things like onedrivemy files and it's just a very consistentway of working

necessarily want that maybe you don'tparticularly use onedrive or anythingalong those linesand you're happy just to have an accountwhich you log into on the pc so you cansurf the web and do various differentbitsand that is where you might want to usea local accountnow i want to show you a common mistakethat people make when they're trying toadd a new accountthey'll come into here into email and

and you'll see that you have an adaccount button at the topnow this is where you would go if youwanted to add an account that'sconnectedto another application soif you want to add an account forsomeonewho has the google account you can dothat from hereif they have an icloud account you cando that from hereif they have an office account you can

but one of the person that you want toadd maybe you don't know what theirlogin details are maybe you don't knowif they havean office account or a gmail accountwhat if you simply just want to set up anew profilea new account on your laptop withouthaving to type in their email addressand password detailsthat is where you would go down tofamily and otherusers now again if you want to add a

member up hereand it says add your family so everybodygets their own sign inand their own desktop so essentiallypeople can customizewhat their desktop looks like and thenit says you can help kids stay safe withappropriate websitestime limits apps and gamesso if that sounds like an option thatwould be useful for you you can add afamily member account from thereat the bottom we have other users and it

your family to sign in with their ownaccounts and this won't add them to yourfamily and you can see there that i setupben lee as a local account so what i'mgoing to do now is i'm going to login as ben so you can see some of thedifferences that we haveso i've now logged in as ben and ben hasa local account and you can seeimmediately that it'svery much personal to ben so he has hisown desktop background completely

he has his own desktop icons and if wejump down into the start menu you'll seethat his tiles look a lot different tomine he has different tiles availableand if we jump up into settings and gointo accounts you'll see that it sayslocal account underneath there and it isalso worth noting that if you set up alocal account you canswitch that to a microsoft accountsimply by signing in with a microsoftaccount insteadso basically all of his settings are

his profile so i can't then go inand try and access something likeonedrive because i'm not logged in witha microsoft accountnow what i'm going to do next i'm goingto show you how to set up a new accountit's a super simple processwe're going to create a local account onthis pcso i'm going to log back in as myselfand i'm going to show you how to do thatso i'm now logged back in as myself andwe're going to run through the process

machineand the process is very simple we'regoing to go back into the start menuand we're going to jump into settingsand we're going to go back toaccounts now this is a local accountthat i want to set up so i'm going to gotofamily and other users and i'm going toselect addsomeone else to this pcnow it's going to pop up andautomatically ask you for this person's

want to set up a local account you don'thave their email address or anythinglike that just click on i don't havethis person'ssign-in information and once again it'sgoing to try and get you to create anaccount on microsoftnow if you don't want to do that we wejust select add a user without amicrosoft accountand you can now just type in those basicdetails so i'm going to addvicky matthews

and i'm going to give her a passwordand then you'll need to complete threesecurity questions in case you forgetthe password so i'm going to do thati'm then going to click next and i'llsee you in a moment and there we go it'sas simple as that vicki matthews now hasa local account on this machine and alli simply need to dois to send her her login detailsand she can log in to this pc nowremoving an account is pretty simple aswell so again if i select vicki matthews

account type so if i wanted to switchher to a microsoft account i could dothator i can select removeit gives you a little warning sayingthat all of her data and anycustomization she's made are going to bedeleted now i'm okay with that i've justadded this accounti know i can delete this fairly safelyand there you go she's goneso very simple to set up users anddelete them

module we're going to be doing our firstexercise so please join me for thathello everyone and welcome back to thiscourse on windows this module we're going to exploresome of the options that you have withregards tohelp and support so we're going to startout by taking a look at thevirtual assistant i'm going to show youthe tips appand then i'm going to refer you to themicrosoft support page

as such within windows 10at least help in the context of otherapplications we might have used such asexcel or word but there are a number offacilities available within windows 10which can help you out a lot if you'restuck on somethingor if you're looking for moreinformation about somethingnow something that was really helpful inslightly older versions of windows 10than the one i'm currently runningis that they had a really useful get

app which contained lots of topics andtutorialsand videos and i found that reallyreally helpfulbut it seems that that has now beenremoved and replaced witha couple of other alternatives so i'mgoing toclick on my windows key now i'm going toscroll down tog which is where get started used to befoundand you'll see that instead we have this

area and if we click on that it'sbasically going to take us into thisvirtual assistant where we can talk to avirtual agent now programs like this ingeneral are running some kind ofartificial intelligenceyou may like this kind of thing you maynotbut i would say have a little playaround with it see how you feel about ityou might find that it's something thatyou rely on quite a lot when it comes togetting help

little question in here and see if thevirtual agent can answer itso i'm going to say create a newaccount and hit enter i can see thatshe'styping away and she says which one didyou mean add or remove an account onwindows 10create a local account or administratoraccount or none of the aboveso that's actually pretty helpful i wantto createa local account let's say so i can click

and immediately the help page guiding methrough how i would do thispops up i'm going to give her a littlebit of feedback i'm going to sayyes that did solve my problem and she'snow saying great you can ask me anotherquestionso really what this does is it takesyour input and it pulls back therelevant helppages so virtual assistant is definitelyone to have a little play around with ifyou're stuck on a particular thing now

might help you out a little bitif we press the windows key again andthis time i'm going togo to my keypad and i'm going to clickont for tips and you'll see that there isactuallyan app that's called tips and if we openthatup you can see that we have lots ofdifferent windows 10tips they're divided down intocategories so we can see what's new

moment is tips on how to workremotely so let's have a quick look atthat so it's talking me through sometips to collaborate and save into onedrive or save my files to the cloudand i can scroll through these differenttipsso those can be quite useful as welland you can scroll through and there'slots and lots of different categoriesthat we have in hereand here we have getting started withwindows 10

these are worth having a little scrollthroughparticularly if you're very new towindows 10and even from within this app you have alittle magnifying glass in the top whichwill allow you to search solet's say create a themethere we go and i've got some tipsrelating tomy search item now if you think that'sgoing to besuper useful and you want to either pin

remember if you just right click in thetools bar you have a pin to tile sparoption similarly if you wanted to pinthat to your start menu which i'mactually going to do let's jump down totips againby clicking on t i'm going to rightclickand you can see here i have an optionpin to startand there it is just there set up as anewtile so you've got virtual assistant and

now the final resource i'm going to showyou is probably the one that i use mostoftenand that is simply just jumping onto themicrosoft supportsite and you can see the url at the topthere this is a wealth of informationtheir library isenormous and pretty much anything youneed to do or anything you need helpwithyou can find in here so you can use this

and anything you type in here willsearch throughevery help topic so if i was to typesomethingreasonably generic like tables thatcould meani want to create a table in excel imight want to create a table in word imight want to create a table inoutlook it's going to search across allof thoseif you want to be a little bit morespecific you can go into the individual

typing in your search term so i'm goingto say more microsoft productsand i'm going to select windows 10because that's what i need help withand hopefully at the top here it saysselect your product so we've got windows10 but if you are in windows 8.1 user or7 then you still have some help filesavailableto you and again these help files areall divided down into categories sointernet and storage i'm currently ini've got some tips to improve

my individual categories at the bottomthereso again it really depends exactly whatit is that i'mlooking for help on but this is a wealthof information this websiteand something i would definitely havebookmarked in your browserso you can quickly jump there and accessthe wealth of informationnow at the top here we have this menurunning across so if i click on what'snew

to show me everything that's beenupdated in windows 10 recently sowindows 10 is always being updatedand it's good to sort of keep on top ofthose changes so you canreally get on board with anything newthat's releasedand another tab that i find quite goodin here is this communitytab so this essentially takes youthrough into the microsoft communityforum and there is a huge community ofmicrosoft users

that's quite tricky it's always worthjumping onto the community forum postingit and guaranteed somebody's going tocome up with somethingthat's either going to help you out fixyour problemor just give you a lot more informationthan you knewprior to making the post you can scrollthrough the topics you can click on themto read and you can make a postif you need to so that is it so whilstthere isn't a dedicated

numerous features between the virtualassistant the tips appand that microsoft support page thatshould be enough to help you out withanyquestions that you have when it comes toworking with windows 10.that's it for this module i will see youin the nexthello everyone welcome back to thiscourse on windows this module we're going to be takinga look at windows updates

through some of the basics ofupdating windows we're then going tolook at some of the advanced optionsthat you haveand then finally we're going to take alook at how you can keep all your appsupdatedbut first let's start out with thosewindows update basicsnow your windows 10 system will updateautomaticallybut you do have some options and alsosome control

and we're going to head straight forsettingsand right at the bottom the last optionin the list isupdate and security and this is whereyou'll findall of your windows updates so you cansee this first page that i get to hereit's telling meall of the updates that are currentlyavailable for my pcand you can see that they're all showingas pending install

now the way that this works is that allof these updates willautomatically install so if i do nothingthese updates are going to installthemselvesand you can see right at the bottomthere it says will automatically installupdates when you aren't using yourdeviceor you can install them now if you wantso if i want to just get them out theway maybe i've got a sparehour where i'm not doing so much or

to get those updates installedi can just click the install now buttonto install all of them nowotherwise windows is going to select atime when i'm not using my device inorder to install those for menow you do have some other optionsunderneath which gives you a little bitof controlas to when these updates are installedso if you wanted to you could pause yourupdates for sevendays so again maybe if you are working

something like i'm doing here a windowscourse maybe i want to make sure that mysystem doesn't change too dramaticallywhilst i'm writing this courseso i might want to pause any updates forseven daysand you can see here it says visitadvanced options to change that pauseperiod so maybe you want to pause it forlonger than that you can do that fromthis advanced options area at the bottomthereyou can also change your active hours so

install of updatesis invisible to you so you don't get anyindication on the screen the updates areactually being installed in thebackgroundbut sometimes once updates have beenstored a restart is neededand sometimes that's not particularlyconvenient particularly if you're in themiddle of your working dayand you can't really afford to restartyour pcand maybe wait 10 to 15 minutes in order

installingso in order to ensure that your updatesare installed when you're not using yourdeviceyou can change your active hours so whatyou can do is you can set your activehours to let windows knowwhen you typically use this device so ifyou're particularly busy between nineand fivethen you can change your active hours tothat time periodand windows won't install updates during

so you can see here mine is set fromeight to five and i have a little changelink thereif i need to change that if i want tolook atupdates that i've installed previously ican view my update historyand you also have an option to uninstallupdates somaybe you've noticed that an update thatwas installedyesterday is causing some problems withyour system

update and roll your systemback and then finally the bottom we haveadvancedoptions now in here we have a few otheroptionsso at the top there it says receiveupdates for other microsoft productswhen you update windowsnow i like to have this turned onbecause it's really important to me tomake sure all of my other applicationssuch asword excel powerpoint outlook are all

constantly so i like to receive anyupdates for those applications whenwindows is being updatedas well so i have that option toggled onnow i'm not going to go through all ofthe options that we have in here but onei will highlightis this restart this device as soon aspossible when a restart is required toinstall anupdate now as i was saying sometimeswhen updates occur the system willrestart and then after that restart

windows has to doto make that system usable so yoursystem can be out of actionfor a little while now again if you wantto have some kind of control as to whenthat happens so maybe you don't want itto happen in the middle of the day whenyou're super busy and you don't have thetime to wait for thoseupdates i would leave this optiontoggled off because you don't want it torestart the deviceas soon as possible so definitely check

options as well when it comes to howyou're managing your updatesnow when it comes to updating any appsthat you have on your pcand again those of us that use mobilephones that have appson them we're probably fairly used tothat process ofupdating our apps and it works in a verysimilar wayin windows so i'm going to jump acrossto the microsoftstore and if you want to see if any of

if you click on the three dots in thetop right hand cornerthe top option you have there isdownloads and updates and this is goingto do a quick check of all yourapplicationsand it's going to see if any of themrequire an updateand you can see there at the top i havethree apps that haveupdates available and it's a very simpleprocessof just clicking the update all button

and if you want to check for any updatesyou have the getupdates button at the top there and thatwill just essentially do a refreshand if anything new needs to be updatedit's going to be added to that list atthe topand you can see there as i've clickedthat button we have one of themautomatically downloadingand then the others require me tomanually install themnow another thing to check up here is if

let's jump into settings for ourmicrosoft storebecause there are some features in herewhich also relate to updatesyou can see the top one there updateapps automatically i have that turned onand you just saw one of those apps thatupdates automaticallyso i have update apps automaticallyturned onand i do recommend that you do have thatturned on because that's just going tomake everything a lot more efficient

turned on now we haven't really spokentoo much about live tiles so let's justtalk about that for one momenti'm going to click the cross to come outhere and i'm going to goback to my tiles now i don't have thisturned on on too many of my tiles butone thing that i do have turned onis on the weather tile this isshowing live updates so you can see thattile is kind of moving it's refreshingand so is that news tile so this is whatwe call

some people find it quite distractingyou can right click go to more and sayturnlive tile off so that's pretty much itwhen it comes to how you canmanage and handle your updates the keytakeaway here isthat windows updates will automaticallyinstallbut it's very important that you go inand you check your settings to make surethat they're installing at a time that'sconvenient for you

as long as you have that setting turnedon those apps willupdate automatically alternatively youcan just click the button to installthem manually from the downloads andupdates sectionin the windows store fairlystraightforwardthanks for listening guys i will see youin the next modulehi guys and welcome back to this courseon windows this module we're going to talk a

in desktop mode nowapps run in desktop mode and for manypeople desktop modeis the mode used most of the time unlessyou're utilizing a tablet deviceand just a recap of something we learnedearlier if you clickall the way down in the bottom righthand corner and click on the actioncenterif you need to switch into tablet modeyou have the option to do so from hereso it's a very quick

so in this module i'm going to give youan overview of the windows 10 desktopwe're going to take a look at managingyour desktop iconsi'm going to show you something calledpeak and showand i'm going to show you how you canutilize multipledesktops so let's start out by reviewingsome of the options that we haveon the windows 10 desktop now as we'vementioned before if we look at thetaskbar at the bottom

currently have runningbased on the fact that they have a blueline underneath themand whichever one we have open on topthat one is referred toas the active task now a couple of otherthings that we haven't mentioned yet sofar again down here in thatnotifications areayou'll see that we have this littlekeyboard icon and this is the touchkeyboard soobviously if you don't have a touch

use this by clickingon the number pad using your mouse butthis is primarily designed for peoplewho havetouch screens or some kind of touchdevice you can type thingsusing your finger now your desktopmay look a bit different to mine theaspect ratio might be different so forexamplei'm using a wide screen you might alsohave a different background image to meand of course you can personalize this

and we're going to talk a lot more abouthow you can really personalize itset up the images you want to use thethemes the colors all of those kinds ofthingsin later modules now when it comes tomanaging our desktop iconsif you recall again we spoke about thesevery briefly in a previous modulei don't tend to have too many icons onmy desktop i don't really likea really busy looking desktop i preferto

applications to the taskbarhowever i do have three icons up there ihave my recycle bin because i find thatquite useful to be able to jump toreally quicklyi have my microsoft edge browser and ialso have a link to camtasia which isthe app i use to record these videosnow the only reason i have microsoftedge and camtasia on my desktopis because i've recently downloadedthose andwindows automatically creates that

so in reality what i would probably dois come in and delete those shortcutsbecause i already have thoseapplications pinned to my taskbarbut for demonstration purposes in thismodule i'm going to leave them justtherei will say though that despite mypreference for adding things to thetaskbarif you look at mine you can see mytaskbar is pretty muchfull up if i wanted to start adding

start getting a little bit busy lookingthere is a lot more spaceon your desktop so it might be that youwant to move some of thoseshortcuts onto the desktop if you findyourself running out of roomon that taskbar now let's take a look atsome of the customizations you can dofor these desktop shortcuts and that'sall theyare you can see that they have a littlearrow on thembasically means it's just a way of

particular applicationis stored and the reason why that isimportant is because sometimes peoplethink that if you delete a shortcut fromthis desktopit deletes the entire application don'tworry it doesn't it simply deletes thatshortcut linkso let's take a look at some of theother things that we can do tocustomize these icons and our desktopso i'm going to right click my mouseanywhere on that empty desktop

view so this lets mecustomize how large i have those iconsat the moment i have them as mediumif i wanted to do them as large you cansee they're extremely big a bit too bigthereor you have small in there as well soagainentirely up to you how you want to havethe sizing onthose icons i like mine at mediumso let's right click again and we have asort by option

desktop iconsin a more logical sequence so it mightbe that you want to arrange them byname or size or item type or the datethat they were modified sothe most recently installed or usedwould be at the topnow you can also rearrange them yourselfso just by clicking and dragging theseicons it might be that i decide i wantthem runninghorizontally across the screen asopposed to vertically down the screen

drag and if you're using a touch deviceyou would use your finger to do the samethingnow the icons that you see in windows 10in generalare standard windows icons and they'rethe same for everybody soeverybody will have the same icon forfile explorer everybody will have thesame icon for recycle binby default but you can actually changethese iconsif you want to so again if we right

and jump down to the personalize areaand this is anarea we're going to be in and out ofthroughout the precedingsections now i want you to jump down tothetheme section and we're going to ignoreall of this at the moment and go rightdown to the bottomwhere it says this little link heredesktop iconsettings now these desktop icons withthe check boxes next to them these are

windows desktop icons and you can seethat i only haveone of them checked because i'm onlyshowing the recycle bin on my desktop idon't havemy computer or network or control panelor anything like thatbut if you wanted to you could tickthese if you wanted to see more of themsoagain if i click on computer and clickon okand just move this window out the way

that's been createdwhich jumps me straight to this pcin file explorer so let's jump back intothat linkand i'm going to untick computer becausei don't want that on therenow another thing you have in here is ifyou do want to change the icon for anyof thesemaybe you want something else for yourrecycle bin you do have the option toselect it and then you have change iconand it will take you into this little

icons that windows provides and you canchange that to something that you like alittle bit better sojust be aware that you can turn on andturn offthose windows standard icons to add themto your desktop and you can also changethat icon if you want tonow a lot of applications when youinstall them will have their ownassigned icon so i'm in file explorer atthe momentand you can see here that i have access

my onedrive cloud storage and that comeswith its own little blue cloudicon now if i wanted to make onedrive ashortcut on my desktop all i need to dois right clickgo down to send to and one of theoptions i have thereis desktop create shortcutso if i select that you can now see thatthat's added that to my desktopanother way that you can add items as adesktop shortcut iconis if we go into the start menu and let

something like let's just grab thiscalculatoryou can click dragand drop and that will very quicklycreate a little link for youas well and if you want to remove any ofthese it's a simple process of rightclicking you have the delete option inthere and as i mentioned beforeit doesn't delete the application itjust deletes that shortcutso a good little exercise for you now isjust to practice

your desktopnow another really useful feature ofwindows 10 is thepeak feature and you've probably seen alittle sneak preview of this as we'vebeen going through the courseso far so if you have severalapplications open and you want to accesssomethingon your desktop but you can't see thedesktop so currentlyi have microsoft edge web browser takingup the entire screen i can't see

if i wanted to jump to an excelspreadsheet that i haveopen instead of going through andminimizing downeach window i have open to try and findwhat i'm looking fora real quick way of doing it is to hoverover the icon so in this caseexcel and it's going to give me a littlepreview ofall of the excel spreadsheets that icurrently have openand you can see i have three of them

particulari can just hover my mouse over it andclick to selectand that essentially pulls it to thefront so this is a really nice feature iuse thisall the time when i'm working with lotsof different open documentsin order to be able to move aboutefficiently now another option i want tospeak to you about is using multipledesktops so it might be that you havelots of different applications open you

excel windows openand i want to arrange them in a certainwaynow if we jump down to the taskbar andwe need to right click on the taskbarthere is an option in here to cascadewindowsthat kind of arranges them in a slightlybetter way so if i want topull one to the front i can click on thebar and that will bring that one to thefrontnow i will say this isn't an option that

find it the most efficient way ofworkingbut some people really like it so justremember that you have access to itin that right click menu in the taskbarnow if you're someone who really doeswork with lots and lots of differentapps and constantly has lots of thingsopenso much so that your desktop is reallygetting full upit's hard to switch between applicationsbecause you have so many things open

is creating a seconddesktop so what i'm going to do is i'mgoing to go back down to my taskbarand you'll see that we have an iconthere which is just to the left of mygoogle chromeand that is task view we did go intothis earlierbut if i click it it shows me all of myopenapplications in a way that's easy for metosee all in one go now one thing that you

is right at the top we have an optionfor newdesktop so if i click new desktopit allows me to have a second desktopyou can see i can switch between them sodesktop one contains all of theapplications i currently have openand i can now have a completelydifferent desktopwhich has nothing running so essentiallythis is almost like having two differentcomputers so if you find that you'rerunning out of space on one desktop

create another one and you can open upas many applications as you likeswitching between them again is just asimple case of going to taskview and switching between yourdifferent desktopsif you decide you no longer need one ifyou hover over in this case desktop 2you have that little cross to get rid ofthat desktopso again a really nice way of managingyour windowsif you're someone who has loads and

at any given time all right everyonethat is all we haveon working in desktop mode for thismodulein the next module we're going to betaking a little bit more of a lookat managing and using the taskbar soplease join me for thathello everyone and welcome back to ourcourse on windows 10.we're still down in section 3 and inthis module we're going to betalking about how to manage and use the

so we're going to start out by walkingthrough thetaskbar contents i'm going to show yousome options that you have withintaskbar settings we're going to look attaskbartoolbars and finally we're going to lookattaskbar contentsso let's start out by taking a look atour taskbarcontents now this is something thatwe've touched on in previous modules

depth in this module and look at some ofthe features that we haven't yetdiscussedso firstly let's move down over to theleft hand side of the taskbarand you can see that we have a box therethat says type here to search so thisis your search bar if you're looking foranything on your pcyou can come in here you can type yoursearch term and it's going to go awayand find it so that might be anapplication that might be

setting so this is essentially auniversal search that searches for yourkeyword acrosseverything on your pc and that alsoincludes things likefiles and documents as well now we havea whole section dedicated tosearching so i'm just going to leavethat there for nownow just to the left of that where youcan see that little circlethis is cortana so cortana would besomething similar to

or even something like amazon's alexadeviceit uses speech recognition so you cantalk to cortanayou can ask her questions and you canget her to deliver the answer to youand again we're going to do a demo ofthis in a latermodule but just so you know if you wantto start up cortana and ask her aquestionthat is the button that you can click onin order to do that

you don't happen to see that cortanabutton thereif you right click on your taskbaryou can see that you have an optionthere show cortana button so if youdon't have that ticked then you're notgoing to see it so just make sureyou have a little tick next to thatoptionnow we've already talked about addtaskbar icons in quite a lot of detailso i'm going to move straight acrossagain to this notifications

fullat the moment and if i click this littleup arrow it's going to show meall of the little icons that there isn'tspace forin my notifications area so don't forgetin that up arrow you'll have otherlittle icons in there as wellnow one thing you can do to giveyourself a little bit more space in thistaskbar areais if you right click your mouse you cansee there's an option there that i

lock the taskbar so it locks it into itsposition the position that it's innow and it doesn't let me make it anybigger or any smallernow if you turn this off so let's justuncheck that optionwhat that means is i can now grab thistask bar and you can see i get thatdouble headed arrowi can drag it up and it gives me moreroom on my taskbarso if i then wanted to click the uparrow i could

hasn't had enough room to go on thatnotifications areaand i could drag it and drop it downontomy taskbar similarly if i want to removesomethingi can drag and i can drop itback to where it was now if you have awidertaskbar that also gives you more room toplace your taskbar icon so again ifyou're somebody who doesn't like havingthem

desktop you might choose todo this have a slightly bigger taskbarand put more of your applications on itnow this isn't something that iparticularly like to do i like to beable to see the greatest amount of myscreen soi tend to keep my taskbar lockednow as you can probably imagine withthese notification icons you can dragthem about in order to rearrange them soif i want to move my onedrivei can just click and drag that icon and

you can rearrange those icons set themup how you wantnow other options that you have withregards to the taskbar if weright click on the taskbar again you cansee at the top here we havecertain items checked so we just came inhere and i told you about checking thatcortana buttonbut you also have the option to hide orshow the task view button which is thislittle icon down herewhich allows us to get an overview of

and also create multiple desktops if wewant toif you find you never use that optionthat might be something that you don'twant to show to give yourself a bit moreroom on that taskbarnow i also have show touch keyboardbutton showingand another cool little one is showtouchpad buttonso if i click that you can see i now getthis little touch pad and thisessentially mimics

so you can see there you have your mousearea so you can see there you have yourmouse buttons and you can utilize thatin a verysimilar way now i don't particularlyneed that so i'm just going toturn that offso the other important option in here toknow about istaskbar settingsso this is where you can really come inand modify exactly how that taskbaris managed so you can see again we have

and these are all little toggle slidersso it makes it very easy to enable ordisable certain elements of your taskbari could choose to automatically hide thetaskbar completely in desktop mode so ifi was to turn thaton you can see my taskbar has nowdisappeared now i don't particularlylike this optioni always like to see my taskbar ingeneral butif you don't you can turn that on i'mgoing to turn my back off

the same option thereas well you have an option of usingsmall taskbarbuttons so if i turn that on you can seethey then become very tiny now this isanother really great way if you like tohave lots and lots of things pinned tothat taskbarthat gives you a lot more space i'mgoing to turn mine offnow that peak feature that we spokeabout earlier if you remember when youhover over it gives you a little preview

open for that particular application ifyou don't like that for some reasonand some people do not you can choose toturn that off just here as wellnow a couple of other options i want tohighlight in here um thistaskbar location so by default yourtaskbar is going to be across the bottomof your screen andfor 99.9 of people thisis adequate it's very very rare that isee somebody who has their taskbarlocated somewhere else

place it at the top of my screen whichputs out therenow that looks incredibly strange to mebecause i have been using it with thetaskbar at the bottom for years andyearsyou could also choose to put it on theleft or the rightof the screen now as i said i prefer iton the bottom but it's very muchpersonal preference now something elsethat you have is this combinetaskbar buttons and i have mine set to

hide labels now if i was to change thisto neverjust look down in the taskbar whathappens when i select this optionnow i've got quite a lot on there sothis option is a little bit pointlessbut if you did haveless apps pinned to your taskbar it'sgoing to show you the name of thatapplication next to it as wellso again that might be something thatyou find particularly useful if you findit quite difficult distinguishing

the different applications purely basedon the iconso i like to say always hide labelsso a few options in there for you todefinitely check out and customizenow another option you have in here isthis showdesktop option now this is particularlyuseful again if you have a lot of thingsopen on your screen and you want toquickly just jump back to your plain olddesktop then clicking this icon willminimize everything that you have open

is also a keyboardshortcut for this as well and that iswindows keyd that will take you back to yourdesktop and minimize everything downinto your taskbarwhenever you press that option now alsostaying on that themeif we right click and go up to toolbarsrightat the top you have an option here fordesktop as well which works slightlydifferently to the one we've just looked

so if i click desktop you'll see now inthe taskbar i get this little desktopoption and there's two little arrowsmoving off to the right hand sidenow if i click that it essentiallyallows me to navigate around my desktopsoif i want to select a file from onedrivei can select onedrive i can go todocuments and it's going to show meall of my folders so i can go throughand essentially it's like working infile explorer but from

little option that you quite like tohave downon your taskbar now again i don'tparticularlylike this option so i'm going to jumpback in and i'm just going to turn offthat desktop featurenow the final thing i want to talk toyou about in taskbar settingsis if we right click and jump backinto taskbar settings let'sscroll down to this little notificationsarea

on the taskbaror we can turn system icons on or offso let's go into select which iconsappearand you can see here this is where wecan customize what icons we actually seedown in this notifications area andagain these are justslider toggles so you can see the onesthat i have turned on so i can seemy microphone i can see my wi-fi networki can seemy onedrive my power and my volume

becausethey're not of particular interest to mei don't need to see them all the timeso definitely go in there and reviewwhat you can see on that taskbarnotifications areaso that is it in relation to the taskbarand that notifications areahave a little practice with that playaround modify the things that you canseein that notifications area and reallyget it set up so that

important to youin the next module we're going to talkabout using that search box and alsocortana so please join me for thathello everyone and welcome back to thiscourse on windows this module we're going to explorehow to utilize the search boxand also cortana and both of these arekind of used forsimilar purposes so first we're going tolook at how you can utilize these searchbox to

a file an application an app a desktopprogram or maybe even something on theweband then i'm going to show you how youcan utilize cortana which is going toallow you to searchusing your voice so first uplet's look at the search box now thesearch box is located down in thattaskbar areaover on the left hand side and it's veryobvious it saystype here to search and this is a

to search througheverything on your laptop andalso the web depending on your searchtermso if i click in the search box and istart to type what i'm looking for solet's say that i'm looking for the paintapplicationi'm going to type in p and you'll see asi start typingwindows is already running a search sonow it's showing methe most relevant items related to the

there is power and sleep settingsnow obviously the more that you type theword the more accurateit gets so if i type in the entire wordpaint you can see that the best match isthe paint app and then i also have someother apps there paint 3dnow i can refine my search a little bitmoreyou can see just above currently theblue underlineis underneath where it says all sothat's literally searching

however if i'm only interested insearching for an app called painti could select apps what about if i havea document that containsthe word paint i can search for it thatwayor alternatively i can click on the webjust to see any web resultsfor the word paint and then i have moreoptions at the side here i can searchthrough emailfolders my music library contacts photosall things

stick with alland once it's found your item you canjust click on itto open up that particular applicationnow you can also use the search box ifyou're looking for a particular file soif i type insales for example you can see the bestmatch there is the sales 2017excel file that i have there and then ihave some search resultsfrom the web related to my search termand then some more documents listed

now i can also use the search box tosearch for umwebsites if i type in wikipedia you cansee their best match wikipedia i canselect it and it's going to jump mestraight to the search results andwikipedia is the top one up therei can also search for folders so if i'mlooking for a particular folder withinfile exploreri can type that in and you can see therethe best match is my coursefiles folder so a really powerful really

that if i'm looking for something on mypc i alwaysuse the search bar as opposed to cominginto the start menuand scrolling through looking forwhatever it is that i want to look foreven if i'm looking for a particularsettingso for example if i wanted to know howto adjust the brightness on my pci would type inadjust brightness and you can see theirbest match

it's going to jump mestraight to that particular item withinsettings so i find this super usefulnow let's get on to speaking a littlebit about cortana becausecortana is pretty exciting as imentioned before she's very similar tosomething likesiri if you're used to using siri onyour mobile phoneand also very similar to something likethe amazon alexa deviceso cortana is there as kind of a virtual

activated by your voice and she's thereto help you find things on your pcsearch things on the web andalso answer any questions that you havenow if you've never used cortana beforeit's definitely worthjumping onto the microsoft site andlooking for cortana so you can see therethe url is just forwardslash cortanawhere you'll have a really useful videowhich will walk you through some of themain elements of using cortana

this video[Music]now one important thing when it comes toutilizing cortanais that she needs to be able tounderstand your voiceso it's very important that you do speakclearlyand i will say that cortana does improvethe more you use itnow i will say that you also kind ofneed to knowhow to structure and ask your question

provide you with the best results andthis does take a little bit of practicebut as long as you keep your sentencesfairly simpleand you speak them clearly then youshould find that she's quite usefulto you now there are a few settings whenit comes to cortana that are worthreviewingso what i'm going to do is i'm going toutilize the search bar at the bottom andi'm going to type in cortanaand you can see my top option there is

jump me into my settingsfor cortana now i'm going to go to thistalk tocortana option now a couple of things iwant to point out in here now whenyou're utilizing cortanayou can just say your question and shewill reply to youhowever you can set it so that cortanaresponds tohey cortana and if you set this it sayscortana will always respond to heycortana even when your device

that cortana uses morebattery life when this is on becauseshe's essentially always listeningfor the words hey cortana so my personalpreference is to have thisturned off you can also invoke cortanaby using a keyboard shortcut which isthe windows logo keyplus c and you can choose if you wantcortana to be able to listen to youeven when your device is locked now iactually have that turnedon because sometimes i might be away

and i might need to ask a question so ilike to just be able to say my questionwithout unlocking my entire machinenow when it comes to setting up yourlanguage it says here cortana works bestwhen the language you select herematches the region on your deviceand it says at the moment cortana isusing english united kingdombut if you wanted to change that you canchoose a different onenow if you want some tips about how tostructure questions how to chat with

there is a link at the bottom here whichis going to take you through to a webpage which will give you some usefultips when it comes to interactingwith cortana now probably the mostimportant option hereis right at the top it's your microphoneyou want to make sure that cortanacan hear you so it is worth just testingout cortana to make sure that she canhear you now currently i have aexternal microphone plugged into thisdevice so i can record this video

unplugged and it would just be utilizingthe microphone that's built into mylaptopso if you find that when you start upcortana and nothing happens it might bethat you have a problemwith your microphone and at that pointit's worth going into this check themicrophone linkand going through this little wizard totry and work out any of the issues thatyou're havingwith your microphone but nine times out

cortana works straight off the batstraight after your install of windowsas it's just utilizing the microphonethat's built into your devicenow for the purpose of thisdemonstration i'm actually going to turnon this option here forhey cortana and then i'll turn it offand show you how it works the other wayso let's turn that on i'm going to clickcloseand if i want to bring up or invokecortana all i need to say

what's the weather like in london todaythe forecast in london england showspartly sunny skies with a high of 27 anda low of 15 degreesright now it is sunny and very quickly she's pulled up thatweather forecast for londonfor me now if i close her down just byclicking on the crossand i'm actually going to jump back intothose cortanasettings for one momentand i'm going to turn off that hey

option and close it downso now if i say the word hey cortanashe's not going to popup in order to invoke cortana i wouldneed to click on the cortana buttonthat's to the right of my search box andi can utilize cortana for thingslike setting alarms so let's see how wewould do thatso i'm going to click on cortanaset alarm for 2 59pm and there we go you can seeimmediately that's popped up with the

for thingson the web so let's invoke cortana againwho won the x factor in 2012.and there we go she's pulled back thatresult for meand cortana is pretty unrestricted inwhat it can look for it can search theweb it can search for things on your pcand provide you with lots of reallyuseful informationshe can also do things like play songsnowwindows 10 has its own song

i'm going to click in thesearch bar here and search for groovemusicand this is somewhere you can store allof your mp4s your music files now idon't actually have mine stored ingroove music i havemy music library elsewhere but if youhadmp4s and songs listed in here you couldalso utilize cortana in order to playthose songs from your musiclibrary so lots of really good uses for

check your settings make sure sherecognizes your voice and yourmicrophone is picking up your voicespeak clearly and simply and you shouldfindno problems that's it for this modulein the next module we're going to doexercise 2so please join me for thathi everyone and welcome back to ourcourse on windows this very quick module we're justgoing to finish off talking about

because there are stilla few important points that we haven'ttalked about yetso we're going to start out just bygoing through your notification settingsand then i'm going to show you how youcan customize what you seein your action center now there arenumerous different ways to getting toyour notification settingsbut as we've just been utilizing thesearch bar in previous modulesi'm going to use that so i'm going to

and i'm going to type in notificationsand you can see the best match optionthere is notificationsand actions setting which is exactlywhat i'm looking fornow quick actions at the top we're goingto come back to that a bit later for nowi want to focus onnotifications now if you're somebody wholikes to be notifiedvisually when something happens so forexampleif an alarm goes off you might like to

corner of your screenor if you receive a new email maybe youwant to see that as wellthis is where you can customize whichapps can send you notificationsnow if you're somebody who doesn't likenotifications at all you don't likethose little pop-up bannersthen you have a little slider optionhere to turn off all of yournotificationsnow in general i keep this on except ifi'm doing something

and sharing my desktop i really don'twant other peopleto see pop-ups of emails that i've gotcoming inso that might be when i would togglethis option offyou also have some other optionsunderneath with regards to yournotifications so if you want them to bedisplayed on the lock screen then put acheckin that box and i don't if you rememberright at the beginning of the course

i actually have this option turned onand it was showing me that i hadthree unread emails you can also dothings like show reminders and incomingcalls on the lock screenand if you want your notifications toplay sounds then make sure you have atick in that boxso all of these are very much personalpreference but go inreview them and turn on the ones thatyou're interested innow you can also specify which

from and i find this particularly usefulbecause there are some things that ilike to be notified about and otherthings that i don'tso i'm not particularly that interestedin having a pop-up banner when i receivea new emailso i can come in here and i can turnthatoff so that means that if iam in something like a webinar where i'msharing my desktopi can still see other notifications but

emailscoming in and showing on the screen nowthe rest of theseagain these are personal preference buti'm going to leave the rest of theseon and what i'm actually going to dojust to show you that notificationpop-up is i'm quickly going to setan alarm so we can utilize oursearch again down here and i'm going totype inalarm and it takes me to alarms andclock so you can already see how useful

is for quickly finding things on your pcnow i'm going to set an alarm for aboutone minute's time so what time are we at3 22 so let's say 324 p.m which is in about a minute's timei'm going to click save at the bottomandwhen that alarm activates in one minuteyou will see a notification pop up inthe corner of my screenand there you go there is my alarmso jump in here and customize what youwant to see

to you about which is in hereis if we scroll right back to the top iwant to talk to you about thesequick actions and it says here you canadd removal rearrange your quick actionsdirectly in the actioncenter so quick actions relate to theaction center so let's pull up theaction center againand we're talking about these littletilesso if you remember the action center isa quick way just to turn off or turn

so for example if i want to switch totablet mode i havemy little quick action button there inorder to do thatnow of course you can customize what youseein here and make it relevant to what youuse and you would do that by clicking onthis link hereedit your quick actions so now you cansee that i can go inand i can make changes to what i'mseeing in here so if i want to move

i can pick up and i can drag andrepositioni can also click on this little pin iconin the cornerand that's going to remove that quickactionso it's a good idea to go through theseand just removeany that you don't think you're going touseso i'm going to remove flight mode aswelllet's remove project and yeah i'm pretty

now if i wanted to re-add any of thosequick actions if i click the add buttonyou can see there they still are i canclick themto add them back in so essentially youhave a standardset of quick actions that you can add orremovefrom this area and once you're happywith your layout click on doneand you're all set to go that's it forthis module on notifications and actionsin the next module we're going to be

dialog boxes so please join me for thathello everyone welcome back to ourcourse on windows this module we're going to be takinga look at using windowsand dialogs now if you've used anearlier version of windows then this isone of those sections that you canprobably givea miss because what we're going to do iswe're going to look at the ribboninterface and if you haven't usedwindows before then this section is

looking at the general use of windowsand dialogsand we're going to be using a couple ofapplicationsso i'm going to start out by running youthrough the features of windowswe're going to move into moving andresizing windowswe're going to talk about dialoguesmenusand finally the ribbonso first let's start out by taking alook at some of the features

that i'm going to openan application and i'm going to open thenotepad applicationso i'm going to use my search box at thebottom i'm going to type in notepadi can see there it is at the top clickto opennow notepad is essentially a very simplelittle windowjust allows you to type in any notesthat you have very quickly andeasily and you can save these files andthey save us dot

you to justopen and read if you want to or you canimport that information into anotherapplication such as exceland this is one of the standardapplications that will comewith windows so if you have windowsyou're going to have the notepadapp now if we delve back into thehistory of microsoft going all the wayback to the 80swe had this concept of windows rightfrom the very start which of course is

and windows give a consistent way ofinteracting with your pcnow i will say that with the advent ofsome of these universalapps that we can download from themicrosoft store this consistency hasgone because as i mentionedbefore within these apps they have theirown menu systems and their own way ofworkingbut you'll find with any of the windowsnative apps they generally follow thesame kind

forthso let's take a look at this window inthe top right hand corner we have thesethreelittle buttons just here so if i hovermy mouse over this first onethis one is minimize if i click itit just minimizes that particularapplication down into my taskbarand you can see there the app is stillopen i just need to clickin order to restore that applicationthe next button along that i have is the

in a reasonablysmall window if i wanted to make thisfull screen if i just click that buttonit's going to make it full screenyou can then see that that icon changesso it says to me restore downwhich is going to put it back to how itwas originallyand then the final button we have thereis the close button so if i want toclose this windowi can just click that cross and you cansee it's gone

in my taskbarnow if you are operating within a windowyou might find that window may havemany panes or panels now this one inparticular doesn't but we will look atsome examples of that a bit later onbut what you will find is that allwindows have a title barand the title bar is used for a fewthings first of all it tells me what i'mworking onso you can see here it currently saysuntitled

application i'm usingnow if i was to go in and say file saveasi can then choose to name this assomething else and you can see there atthe bottom it saysfile name and i'm just going to click inthe front hereand i'm going to name this my firstfile it's telling me it's going to nameit as a dot txtwhich is the default file format fornotepad files

title bar has now changedto myfirstfile.txt and because i savethat to my desktop you can now see it'salso there on the desktop giving me easyaccess when i need to open thisnow when it comes to moving and resizingwindows that's also very easyif i want to move this window aroundagain all i need to do is click on thattitle bar areaand drag it around and you can see i canpretty much place that wherever i likeremember that if you go too far over to

feature in windows comes into playwhich when i let go is going to snap itand i can fill the screen with anotherapplication that i haveopen if i choose to i can also resizethis window simply by draggingthose boundary lines so if i hover overthe right hand side you'll see i getthat double headed arrowi can drag it in i can do the same onthe bottomi can drag it up i can even dragdiagonally so when i hover my mouse

diagonal double headed arrowthat's going to allow me to freelydrag that to the size that i wantwhat you'll also notice is that mostwindows will have some kind of scrollbarnow you can see that i don't haveanything in this document at the momentthat requires me to scroll downso i have no scroll bar thereessentially but if i was to press returna few timesyou can see now that scroll bar becomes

up and down my document and you'll findthat is fairly standardacross all of your windows applicationsso let's move on to talking aboutdialogsnow dialogs are a special kind of windowso let me show you an example of adialog boxnow i'm going to go up to file here andi'm going to say openand what i have here now is a dialog boxand what this means is that whilst i'musing or working within this dialog box

notepad if i try and move this dialogbox out the way and try to typesomething oreven click in this window it's not goingto let me because i have a dialog boxopenand a dialog box allows me to perform aspecific action so in this caseit's allowing me to open any file that ihave saved offnow i'm just going to navigate thiscourse files folderand i'm going to open notepad test.txt

the name in the title bar up there andyou can see i just have some testtext in that file so i can now carry ontyping in this particular file if i wanttobut if i'm finished with this file if ijump up tofile and click exit that's going toclose my notepad file but it's alsogoing to close the entire applicationnow if i want to open a file and i'mgoing to click file andopen again it might be that the file i

isn't listed in here so by default i'mnotessentially being pointed to the correctfolderand you can see just above you can seewhich folders i'min so i'm in the online courses folderwindows 10course files and then underneath it'sshowing me all of the files that arecontained withinthat folder so it might bethat if this is the incorrect folder i

so i just do that by scrolling up andselecting the location where that fileis stored so i'm going to go back to mydesktop where i havemy first file dot txtnow another thing i can do from withinhere and i'm going to make this windowslightly bigger just by dragging it outis if i want to see a preview of thatfilebefore i open it so maybe i'm not sureif this is the correct file and i needto see the contents

says showpreview pane now this file doesn't haveanything in it whatsoever so what i'mgoing to do is i'm going to double clickto open itand i'm just going to type some textinto here i'm going to sayfile and save and now if i go back tofile and open click on my fileyou can now see in the preview pane it'sdisplaying the contents of that fileso the preview pane is a really usefullittle feature to turn

working in thisfile that i want to make some changes tothis but i want to make those changesin a different file so i can say filesave as and what i'm going to do is i'mgoing to call this my firstfile v2 for version2. click on save you can now see thatthat title has changed in the title bari can carry on adding information intothisfilei can say file save but essentially if i

i now have two files so if i openmyfirstfile.txtyou can see there is my original versionand of course if i wanted just a blanknotepad file again i can go up to thefile menuselect new and it's going to give me anew fileand it's worth noting that with notepadeverything opens within one window so ifi wanted a new file in a new windowi can say new window and i get a secondwindow and of course to close these down

to close them down so i've reopened thatsecond version of my notepad file justso i can highlight to you some otheroptions that you have that are verywindows specificso we have our menu bar running acrossthe top file edit format view and helpand as you've seen when we click we geta drop down menu with various differentoptions that we can utilize withinthis window so we've seen a few of theseat the top here but we also have thingslike

particular fileand we also have the option to exitnow the edit menu i'm not going to gothrough all of these but one thing i dowant to point out is that you'll seethat some of the options within here areslightly grayed outnow when you come across a grayed outmenu option it means it's notaccessible so it's not available for meto useand if you're wondering why well if youlook at it this way

momentand the reason why i can't do that isbecause i haven't got any texthighlightedso windows doesn't know what i want tocopyand the same thing there would apply tothe cut optionso let me highlight this first line oftext just by clicking and draggingnow if i go to the edit menu you'll seethat both cutand copy are available for me to select

if i select cut it's going to remove iti can then jump down to the bottom of mydocument go to editand say paste to paste that piece oftext innow it's also worth noting that thesemenu options that you get in your windowwill very much depend on which app youare inand i will say many options have changedso muchover the years now if you've been usingmicrosoft applications for quite a while

that about eight or nine years agowe went through a huge change where allof the drop down menu systems werereplaced withribbons now if you've never heard ofribbons don't worry we're going to comeon to that in a whilebut prior to that ribbon structureacrossapplications like word excel powerpointwe hadmenu drop downs very much like you seehere

windows applications still retain thosemenudrop downs where some of them haveadopted that ribbonstructure now just to give you an ideawhat i mean when i'm talking aboutribbons and we are going to get ontothis and cover thisin a lot more detail a bit later on buti've just opened up excel to show you anexampleof the new ribbon structure so you cansee here that we have our

file home insert drawer so on and soforthbut when i click on them i don't get adrop down menu like i do in notepadi get these ribbons that runhorizontally across the screenwhich contain lots of different iconswith all of the different commandsand this was a huge change i remember iwas part of the roll out of this newsystem across different companiesand it was very difficult trying to getpeople to switch from drop down menus

or nine years down the line now sohopefully everybody's kind of got usedto itand again if this is the first time thatyou're seeing these ribbons we're goingto talk about them morein much more detail a bit later on sothe main thing i'm really trying tohighlight here is to just be aware thatyou have two options when working withinwindows appsthe menu system drop-downs and also theribbons

module we're going to be talking moreabout the start menu so please join mefor thathello everyone and welcome back to thiscourse on windows this module we're going to be delvinga little bit more intothe start menu now we've already lookedat many different aspects of the startmenu but we're going to start to getmore into some of the personalizationfeatures that you haveso we're going to start out with an

i'm going to show you how you cannavigate the start menuand then we're going to look briefly atthe start menu in tablet modenow if you're used to using windows 8 or8.1then this stop menu is going to look alittle bit unfamiliar to youmicrosoft changed the way that youaccess your programs in windows 10and it now has this kind of hybridsystem where we havemenu items and also a tile-based system

of a compromise inwindows 8 and 8.1 it was all tilesand no menu system people didn't likethat so much so now in windows 10 wehave kind of a compromise a hybridbetween the twoas i've mentioned before the left handpart is the traditional start menu likein windows 7and the one on the right is the tilebased system andboth of these are very customizableso we can make the start menu bigger by

we can drag it out to the left or backin againdepending on how we want that to lookand what you'll seehere with these tiles is that icurrently don't have mine organizedparticularly well i've got kind of a biggap in here and they're just notorganized in anylogical order now i can completelycustomizehow these tiles are placed how they looki can change the grouping names at the

life at a glance and explore i can addmy own onesi can add whatever tiles i find mostuseful to this sectionand i can also rearrange the tiles nowif i'm someone who particularly likesthistile based system you can essentiallychange your windows 10 back to how itused to lookin something like windowsso if i right click my mouse on thedesktop and go down to

from this menuand i can switch on this option usestart fullscreen if i click to turn that onand close this down now if i bring up mystart menuyou can see i have the full screen andit's just thosetiles now if i want to get back to justmy desktopif i click the windows logo again that'sgoing to give me back my desktopnow i'm going to right click and jump

i'm going to go to start and i don'treally like that option so i'm going toturn it backoff now you can see here there are lotsof ways that i can personalize my startmenuso for example you could jump intocolors just hereand you could change the colors that youused on that start menuso if i click on this drop down i have achoice between dark or light so if iclick on dark

dramatic changenow i also have a light option in thereas wellyou can have transparency effects turnedon or off so i have mine onso if you look down at my taskbarcurrently it's slightly transparentnow i could turn that off and make thatmore of a solidfill i can choose my accent color soagain if i switch this to dark this isgoing to show up a little bit morebut my accent color is the color of

appearing underneath my openapplicationsso currently i have that set to this seafoamcolor but you'll see if i select redthen that's going to change the color ofthose little accentsso again entirely up to you which colorsyou use so it's definitely worth jumpingintosettings and just taking a look at someof the options that you have tocustomize or personalize that start menu

colors that you have when it comes tochanging your accent color andbackground color now as i said we aregoing to go more into this when we coverpersonalizationin a later module now when it comes tothestart menu and navigating around thestart menuwe have that menu on the left and aswe've seen beforeif we click on any of these letterdividers it's going to take us into

onm and what you'll see is that i havethis little scroll barwhich kind of doesn't appear until ihover over it but that's going to allowme to scroll up and downthrough my menu items obviously ifyou're using a touch device then youwould use your finger to scroll up anddownas opposed to using the mousenow as we're talking about a touchdevice i just want to

tablet modeso i'm going to go to my action centerand i'm going to turn ontablet mode and this is what tabletmode looks like so i'm now going to usemy finger as opposed to mymouse to navigate through some of theseoptionsnow if i was to click these three linesin the top left hand corneryou can see that i can switch betweenany tiles that i've got pinned or i cango to

list of my appsand scroll i just use my finger and dragupi can click on any of these folders withmy finger and i can open my applicationsuch as notepad againin a very simple way and i can close itback down againand it takes me back to that centralizedstart menunow one thing you'll notice in tabletview is that it does make everythingslightly bigger to accommodate for your

larger than the pointer of a mouseso if we just take a look at a littlebit of tile management in tablet modeif i press and hold on this first tilehere the office tileyou can see i get a couple of littleoptions the bottom one the three dotsallows me to accessmore options for this particular tile soagain it really depends what i want todobut you'll see i also get the optionjust above of

now currentlythis application is pinned to my startmenu which is why i can see it here soif i tap thisit's going to unpin it and essentiallyremove itso now when i'm in my pinned tiles ican't see itnow if i want to re-pin that i can clickon my three linesin the top left hand corner i can go toall appsi'm going to use my finger to scroll

app and again if ipress and hold i get my option to pinto start now if i go back to my pinnedtilesyou can see that my office icon has nowbeen addedand if i want to move that back to itsoriginal location i just press and holdand then i can just simply drag with myfingerand drop tap anywhere else to deactivatethose optionsso very very simple to work in tablet

now one other thing you might want to doin here is turn off live tiles so wementioned live tiles earlierand the live tiles are the ones that youcan see that are kind of moving they'reshowingupdates so for example my news app inthat middle explore groupis kind of scrolling different newsitems and you'll see that my weather appnext to italso scrolls and changes occasionallyand this is what we call live tiles now

is tap and hold on the weather apptap on more options go to moreand say turn live tile offand you can see now it's just showingthat it's not showing me constantupdates of the weather so that's a veryquick run-throughof some more options that you haverelated to the start menu when workingin desktop or intablet mode that's it for this module iwill see youin the next one hello everyone and

10. in this very quick module i justwant to show you the difference betweenuser settings andcontrol panel now both of these aremechanisms toadjust your settings so i'm going tostart out just bytalking to you about the differencesbetween settings versus control paneli'll show you a little bit how you cannavigate around the control panel andthen we'll take a look at usersettings now traditionally

control panel was where you went formost of your settings on your deviceso for example if you wanted to add aprinter or set up your wifi networkits control panel you would go tohowever in recent versions andparticularly in windows 10a lot of those things that wereavailable in control panel have now beenmoved across to settingsnow this is a little bit confusingbecause there are some things that arewithin settings and some things that

items there's anoverlap so you'll find them both incontrol panel andin settings so all i really want to doin this module is make you aware thatyou haveboth of them and how you can access themso let's start out with control panelnow as i said if you're not good atrememberingwhere things are and where to clicktyping in the search box is always agood

when i'm looking for somethingon my pc so i'm going to click down herein the search box and i'm going to typeincontrol panelbest match at the top there controlpanel app click to openand this is my control panel so you cansee here it says adjust your computersettings then we have numerous differentgroups with various differentclickable links underneath so if i wantto review my computer's status i can

at the security and the maintenanceinformation if i click back to go backi can look at my network status so i cansee what wi-fi i'm connected toand i can come in here to set up a newconnection or network if i need toi can jump into hardware and sound if iwant to do somethinglike view the connected devices or adda printer i can uninstall an applicationfrom here or a programi can change account type i can dothings like access or make changes to

personalizationi can change the clocks so i can changethe date the timeor number formats and i can also adjustsome ease of access settings as wellnow in older versions of windows thereused to be so much more in this controlpanel but as i saida lot of it has now been moved across tosettingsin windows 10. so let's just compareboth of themi'm going to jump back down to search at

settings i'm going to click to opennow i want to be able to see both ofthese so what i'm going to do is usethat snapping in windows 10and just drag settings over to the rightand then fill the rest of the screenwith the control panel so now we havethis windows settings screenand you'll probably see immediately thatthere is quite a lot of overlapfor example we have personalization insettings and we also have appearance andpersonalization

windows settingsand we have our hardware and soundsection over hereso just to show you how different itactually is if i wanted to adda printer if i click onview devices and printers and then add aprinterit's going to take me to this kind ofold style dialog boxnow in windows 10 if i want to add aprinter if i click on devicesyou can see i get this menu system

one of them is printers and scanners andi click on the plusto add a printer or a scanner so you cansee howdifferent settings looks to controlpanel settings is a lot moremodern in its look and feel now when itcomes to working in control panel you dohavesome control over the way that theseicons look so for example if i clickthis little more options drop downi can choose the size of the icons that

whereas in settings i don't have anysuch optionsbut personally my preference is to usesettings wherever possible just becausei find it a little bit moreuser-friendlya little bit simpler and easier tounderstandso the point i'm trying to make here isif you're looking for a particularsetting on your pcand you come into settings and you can'tfind it

control paneland seeing if it's in there because as isaid there aresome things still that are onlyavailable in control paneland not in settings hopefully that helpsyouunderstand the difference between thetwo in the next module we're going toexplore this idea of settings even moreand i'm going to show you how you canmake somebasic changes that's it for this module

hello everyone and welcome back to thiscourse on windows 10. in this modulewe're going to explore some of thebasic settings that you need to be awareofand there are a few that you shouldprobably be checkingright away so i'm going to start out bytalking you through some of the settingsthat you have fordate and time we're going to look atyour language settingsregion settings mouse settings

so let's kick this off by taking a lookat date and timenow i'm going to jump straight back intomy settings so as we saw in the previousmoduleif we click in our search box and typein settingswe can select to open that up and i'mgoing to make that fullscreen so it's easier to see and fromhere i'm going to jump straight intothis middle optiontime and language now in here the top

set the time automatically you candecideif you want to set the timeautomatically or notso if you don't you can turn that toggleoffnow the way that your system knows whichtime to set it to is that it accesses atime server so in order for it to beable to do that accurately you need tomake sure you are connected to theinternet if you want to use that optionnow by default the time is set

but you can also elect to have your timezone setautomatically as well so if i togglethison you can see underneath it's picked upmy time zoneof utc plus zero hours which is thecorrect time zone for dublin edinburghlisbonand london where i'm located now youdon't have to have the systemset these automatically for you so if iturn

time automaticallyit gives me this option where i can setthe date and timemanually so if i click on change i cannow go inand make my manual changes to that if iwant tonow i'm very happy with my systemsetting my time automatically for me soi'm going to toggle that switchon now another useful option that youhave in here is the ability to addclocks for different

right hand corner underneath thisrelated settings areayou'll see we have a link there addclocks for different time zonesso i can select to show this clock whichis my current location and i can enterdisplay name so i might want to changethat tolondon which is where i'm located and ican also chooseto show another clock and select adifferenttime zone so i might have lots of

usso i might want to have another clockset to eastern timeus and canada and i'm going to sayus for that one and click on applyand okay so now when i clickon my time and date in the bottom righthand corner down on that taskbaryou can see as i hover over it's tellingme what the local time is what the timeis in londonand what the time is on the us eastcoast

the top there i have londonand i also have the us so that can bereally useful if you work acrossdifferent time zonesnow if i scroll down you can see at thebottom here we also have the option toadjust for daylight saving timeautomaticallynow in the uk we observe daylightsavings soi like to have that option turned on butobviously you can adjust that if youdon't observe daylight saving then you

if we move down to the next option whichis regionjust come in here and make sure that youhave the correct region selectedand also regional format so how do youwant dates displayedso a good example is that in the ukwe write the short format of the date ina different wayto the us so in the u.sthe month is first followed by the dayand then the yearwhereas in the uk it's the day then the

then the year now you'll notice that ihave mine set toenglish united states and again if youlook down in my taskbarat the format of my date you can seethat that is us formatso we have month first then daythen year now i have mine set to thatbecause a lot of the work i do is for usclients so i would rather myself beslightly confusedthan all of my customers but i wouldjust come in here and make sure that you

correct date format based on whereyou're locatednow let's jump down into language andthis is where you can specify whatlanguage is used for your display soagain i'm in the uk so i have mine setto english united kingdombut if i wanted to change my displaylanguagei would need to click on this link add awindows display languagein the microsoft store and you can seeif i click that link it takes me through

choose to install what they call a localexperience pack so it says get windowsto speak your language by installing alocal experience packand you can go through and you canselect your language pack essentiallyso that windows displays in your chosenlanguageand then right at the bottom there wehave preferred languages and you can seei have twoset here english united states andenglish united kingdom

depending onwho the client is that i'm working withat the time and most of my clients arebased either in the ukor in the us now you may not want tohave toyou may just be using your laptop athome and if you speak english or frenchor german or whatever language you speakyou'll want that to be your defaultlanguageso make sure that you click add apreferred language go through

picked it upalready and then finally at the bottomwe havespeech and here it says choose theprimary language you speak manage voicesfor your device and apps and set up yourmicrophoneso i'm recording on a microphone rightnow i am speaking english so i want tomake sure that my setting in there isset correctlyand if i'm someone who uses speechrecognition

is set up correctly and i can do thatfrom here simply by clicking on that getstartedbutton now if you're somebody whopossibly has accessibility issues somaybe you don't see so wellyou can choose to get windows to speakback to you essentially to kind of talkyou through what you're doingand you can come in here and you canchoose a voice so we have microsoftgeorge david susanso on and so forth so you can come in

that you want windows to use you canchoose the voice speedand then you can preview the voice aswell sothis area is definitely an area ofsettings that i would come intoto make sure that everything is set upcorrectlynow a couple of other things that i wantto highlight within windows settingsthat i recommend youcheck before you really get going withwindows

so i'm going to jump into devicesand you'll see in the menu on the lefthand side we have an optionfor mouse now there's only a few optionsin here and they are fairly basic so ifyou do use a mouse you want to make surethat you select your primarybutton now i'm right handed so myprimary buttonis my left click but if you areleft-handed you might want to switchthat round if you have a left-handedmouse you can also adjust the speed in

mouse wheel is used to scroll so if youdo have a mouse that has a wheel on ityou can use that wheel to scroll up anddown pagesand this is where you can specifyexactly how far that will jump as youscrollso you can choose multiple lines at atime or one screen at a timeand you can get even more granular withthat and choose how many lines to scrolleach time just by adjusting thisslider now you do have a few other mouse

but to access them you'll need to jumpacross to this relatedsettings area and you'll see here youhave two options adjustmouse and cursor size and additionalmouse optionsnow what you'll notice is if we jumpinto additional mouse options itactually takes youthrough to control panel and this iswhat i mean by there is such a crossoversome things are available withinsettings and other things not

mouse settings available withinsettings if we want to do anything alittle bit more advanced it's going totake us through to the control panelso in here and i'm not going to gothrough all of these optionsbut you can really kind of set up howyour mouse configuration isand how it works for you you can even dothings like specify the type of pointersthat you're usingso you'll see as i hover my mouse overthe screen i just have this little arrow

but i can come in and i can customizesome of theseif i want to i also have a pointeroptions section in therewith lots of different settings i mightwant to look at i can customizehow my wheel operates which is similarto what we havejust here and then i have somehardware options as well so the mainpoint here isthat if you're looking for additionaloptions always look over at this related

settings so our additional mouse optionswent through to control panelbut if i click on adjust mouse andcursor sizeyou'll see that that stays withinsettings butthese options are located in the ease ofaccessarea so it's jump me straight to thoseso if you do have vision problems or anyaccessibilityissues you can come in here and dothings like change the size of the

and also make the cursor easier to seewhen typingso again really important for you tocome in here and check those settingsnow the final couple of things i'm goingto bring to your attention in hereis if we jump to touchpad again this isif you're usinga laptop that has a touchpad you can sethow windows responds when you're usingthat touchpadfor example you can use the touchpad andyou can double tap it to

can make some adjustments tohow that responds from this little tapsectiondown there you can also customize howyou want toscroll and zoom so if you want to dragtwo fingers in order to scroll so if ido this on my touchpadyou can see i'm just using two fingersto scroll up and downon that touchpad i'm not using my mouseand a bit further down you can reallykind of start to

on your touchpadand again this is all very much personalpreferencei tend to not use my touchpad as much imostly have a mouse connectedbut there are some instances where i douse the touchpad predominantlyand if that applies to you then you'regoing to want to come in here and checkthose settings now finally if you areusing a tablet device and you havea pen then you're probably going to wantto jump into

you can say which hand youprefer to write with so for me that ismy right handand in here you have lots of differentoptions that you can customizefor how that pen is going to work whenyou're using it with your tablet deviceso again if this applies to youdefinitely come in here go through thosesettings and check to make sure they'reset up as you likeso that's it for this module all ireally wanted to highlight there are

basic settings in windows 10 that it'sreally important that you gointo before you really start usingwindows 10 they're the basics that youneed to make sure are set up correctlyso you can work efficiently that's itfor this module i will see you in thenext onehello everyone and welcome back to thiscourse on windows this module we're going to delve abit more intodisplay settings now most aspects of

automatically by windows 10but sometimes you may need to changesomethings so we're going to take a look atyour display settingswe're going to discuss screenresolutionsi'm going to show you how you can managemultiple displaysand i'm going to show you how you canmake some text largerso let's start out by taking a look atour display settings

display settings is toright click on your desktop and right atthe bottom there you have an option fordisplay settings so starting at the topthis is where we can cometo adjust the brightness and the colorof our displayso if you find that your display iseither a little bit too bright for youreyes or possibly a little bit too darkyou can just move this slider up anddown to make it brighteror darker you'll also notice that you

underneath now if i turn this onwhat you'll see is it says that thisnight light is off until 8 59 pm sothat's basically the time that it'sgoing to get a bitdarker outside and if i have this nightlight setting turned onit makes my display slightly warmerso it's not so harsh on my eyes whenit's dark outside and i'm looking at abright screenso again definitely play around withthat setting and see if that's something

settings you can see here that we have ascale and layout sectionso this is where you can change the sizeof text appsand other items now in general when itcomes to the scale just heremine's set to 125 and you can see inbrackets it says recommendednow i always tend to go with therecommended setting in herebut just to show you what it looks likeif i was to click this drop down andchange the scale to 100 percent

smaller so all of my icons on my taskbarare now smallerand so is the text and i actually findthat a little bit too small for my eyesso i like to keep it on the recommendedsetting of 125again when it comes to displayresolution i always go for therecommended setting for my deviceso my recommended is 1920 by 1080but you do have lots and lots of otheroptions in there so again it really doesdepend on the device that you're using

my display nowi like to have mine on landscape if iflip it to portraityou can see that switches my entirescreen around now obviously that's notgreat for me at the moment so i'm goingto revertback now i have seen some situationswhere people havedesktop pcs where they can actually turntheir monitorso it's in a portrait position so if youwork in that way then changing the

need to do in hereand then finally at the bottom we have asection for multipledisplays now i'm using a laptop here ihaveone display one screen that i'm lookingathowever i have in the past i know manypeoplework with two monitors so if i wanted toi could plug a second monitor into mylaptop and havetwo displays now you can see that when i

didn't detect another display because idon't currently have a second monitorplugged inhowever if i did i'd be able to see bothof those monitors listed under hereand i can choose how i want to displayacross those monitorsso for example if i want what i'm seeinghere extended acrossboth i can do that if i want toduplicate across the monitor so if iwant what i'm seeing on this screen nowto be exactly duplicated on the second

i can do that as well now if we lookover on the right hand side you can seewe have a few other little links justhereso this sleep better area this refers tothis night lightsetting and you can see it says nightlight can help you get to sleep bydisplaying warmer colorsat night now one thing we didn't jumpinto was these night lightsettings so my night light isset automatically to come on when it

but if i wanted to i could turn thatnight light on now by clicking this turnon nowbutton and what you'll see is that thescreen gets slightly warmer in colorwhich means if you sleep in the sameroom as your laptop and you have yourlaptopopen it's a bit of a less harsh lightand also it is a lot easier on your eyeswhen the conditions outsideare dark now underneath here you'll seeyou have different links which are going

just give you a little bit moreinformation about setting up multiplemonitorsalso how you can adjust the font sizechange your screen brightness and fixany screen flickering as well now whenit comes to thesize of the text that you're seeing onyour displayyou can make some adjustments to some ofthe text in windows's worth noting that this applies todesktop applications and not any of the

apps that you may have downloaded so inorder to demo this i've opened upnotepad again and i just want you tolook at that title bar and just make anote of the sizenow if i want to change the size of thetext the easiest thing for me to dois jump down to my search bar at thebottom and i'm going to saymake text biggerand you can see at the top there it'stelling me make text size bigger is insystem settings and it's actually in the

area now i'm going tominimize this window down a little bitso we can still see anotepad underneath and what i can do isi can drag this little sliderin order to make the text size biggeri'm going to click on applyand you can see now that that title barin notepad is a lot biggerif i adjust it again just to make itvery dramaticand click on applyyou can see how much bigger it's making

text underneath my desktop icons biggerand easier to seeas well but you'll notice that itdoesn't make any of the taskbar icons oranything in that taskbar biggerjust desktop items and just these windowmenu systems now for me that's a littlebit too large so i'm going to take thatall the way back downclick on apply and everything's now setback to normalso again a number of different optionsin there related to

you in the way you workdefinitely jump in there and go throughthose and change those settingsaccordinglythat's it for this module i will see youin the next onehi guys and welcome back to this courseon windows 10.we're down in section four and in thismodule we're going to take a look at ourpower options andpower saving settings so it's reallyimportant if you're using

it's really essential that youunderstandthat you can extend the life of a laptopbattery by using its powercarefully an example of that would beswitching off or reducing the brightnessof your display so in this module i'mgoing to go through with youthe options you have for power savingwe're going to talk a bit about powerbuttonsi'm going to show you power plans andalso how you can access your advanced

our options for powersaving now as i said screen brightnesswill greatly affect the use of powereven if your laptop is plugged in it'sstill going to use electricityso one way to reduce power is to adjustthe brightness of yourscreen now i'm going to jump down tosearchand i'm going to type in the word powernow you can see here it's brought upbest matchpowerpoint which is probably the most

i use all the time but i don't want thatif i godown a little bit to settings this iswhat i'm looking for power and sleepsettings and i'm going to maximize thatwindownow it's worth noting that we're goingto get on to talking about somethingcalled a powerplan you can essentially set up a powerplanand personalize or customize the optionsfor each power setting

just hereare related to any kind of power planthese are separatefrom that but if you don't have a powerplanset up on your laptop or your pc and youjust want to make some minor changes youcan come into hereso you can see here power and sleep thefirst thing we're discussing isscreen so it says on battery powerso when my laptop isn't plugged inessentially

can select how many minutesso currently i have mine set to fourminutesand then i have the option that when mylaptop is plugged init's going to turn itself off after 10minutes so if i leave the room orgo to bed and i forget to turn my laptopoffit's automatically going to turn itselfoff after 10 minutes if i have itplugged inand again we have similar options for

so if you remember that sleep optionmeans that your pcdoesn't shut down completely so if youhave all of your applications openit's not going to close them all downthe pc will just essentially go to sleepand work in a reallylow power mode and all it means is thatif you want to wake up your pc again youjust have to come back to your pc pressthe space bar or wiggle your mousearoundlog back in and all of the applications

in the background so here i have mysleep settings again on battery powerpc goes to sleep after four minutes whenplugged inafter 10 minutes so come in here andadjust these settings accordinglyand finally at the bottom i have anoption here network connection so itsays when my pc is asleep and on batterypower disconnect from the networknow i don't like to do that i like tohave mine always connected to my wi-fiso it's super quick for me to just get

but again that's personal preference ifyou want to disconnect it from thenetwork when it goes to sleep thenfeel free to change that setting now ifwe look over on the right hand side youcan see we have a relatedsettings option just here and we have alink to additional power settings solet's jump into here and see what wehavenow you can see here this is one ofthose options which jumps me to controlpanel so

available insettings in windows 10 they have to beaccessed through control paneland i have a few different options thati can change in hereso let's start at the top choose whatthe power buttons doso when we say power button we'retalking about basically the button youpress to turn your pcor your laptop on or off now in herethis is where i can specify what happenswhen i press my power button and a good

features of your deviceand you can see here there's somesettings related to the power button andalso to the sleepbutton now i have a power button but idon't have a sleep buttonand you can see that i've chosen thisoption here that when i press that powerbuttonif my laptop's on battery it goes tosleep if it's plugged in it goes tosleepand also if i was to close the lid on my

it also goes into sleep mode whether i'mon battery poweror plugged in now it is worth notingthat you can change these so for examplei might want to say that when i closethe lid of my laptopi want it to completely shut down so icould select that if i wanted to or ihave the options of hibernateor do nothing now an option in here thatwe haven't really talked about too muchis hibernate and hibernate is importantbecause

this one doesn't but it doesn't shutdown eitherso essentially what happens is yourdevice stores its current stateand if it's hibernated it will startmore quicklythan from cold so if you use a laptopand you want to start it up very quicklyyou might choose to hibernaterather than sleep so i'm actually goingto set this tohibernate on both of these for when iclose the lid

let's move down to this option herecreating apower plan you can essentially createyour ownpower plans in windows i'm going to show you how you can gothrough and just create a very simplepower planso you can see here it says start withan existing plan and give it a namenow power plans again are very muchbased on your deviceso some devices allow you to create a

a power saver and a high performancepower plannow my default in windows 10 is balancedyou can see here it says balancedautomatically balance performance withenergy consumptionon capable hardware so if i wanted tocreate a power plani could choose a name for my plan so i'mgoing to call itdebs plan i'm going to click on nextso this is basically where i can definemy power settings my options

it says turn off display after fourminutes on battery and 10 minutes whenplugged input the computer to sleep after fourminutes and 10 minutesnow i'm happy with that so i'm going toclick on createand you can see here i now have twodifferent power plantsso the first one is balance which is oneof the defaults nownotice that i don't have any otheroptions for my power plan

and high performance they have threepower plansavailable within windows 10. i only haveoneso that's the only one i'm seeing downherei now have the plan that i've just addedit's currently selectedand if i click on change plan settings ican come in hereand modify these two if i want to and ican alsochange advanced power settings now in

power plan you want to customizethen choose settings that reflect howyou want your computer to managepower so i have only two options up herei havebalanced which is one of the defaultones and i have my plan which iscurrently the active planand i can come into here and i can makefurther customizations to my power planso for example if i expand power buttonsand lidi can carry on expanding and i can

options just by clicking and selectingsomething from the drop down menui can expand display i can also expandbatteryand i can choose what notifications iwant to receiveas well so lots of different options foryou to customizenow i will say you don't have to useyour own power plan a lot of the timethe one that's installed in my casebalanced will be sufficient but ifyou're really conscious about how much

it is worth maybe thinking aboutcustomizing your ownpower plan now the final option i wantto show you in hereis again in settings and we're going tojump down tobattery now it's worth noting that youcan also get to this pagevery simply by clicking on the batteryiconin the taskbar so as i said i'm using alaptop it's currently plugged inand i can see that i am fully charged a

but if i click on battery and go tobattery settings it's going to jump meto the samepage so this is quite useful if you wantto see which apps are affecting yourbattery life you have a little link todo thatand i'm going to change this time periodto oneweek and what it's going to show me iswhich apps i've been using which areaffecting my batterylife most and you can see here by far

is the application which is draining mybattery more than anything elsethat i use so that can be quite usefulinformation to seealso if you scroll down you can extendyour battery life by limiting backgroundactivity andpush notifications when your device islow on battery powernow i have this setting turned on so itautomatically activates so it says turnbattery saver on automaticallyif my battery falls below and then i've

20 percent and also i've got it to lowerthe screen brightness while in batterysaverso i basically have my system set up sothat it's constantlyadjusting settings for mein order to get the most out of mybatterylife so definitely jump into your powerand sleep settings and your batterysettings and review thosethat's it for this module i will see youin the next one

on windows this module we're going to take alook at the ease of access optionsand really ease of access just meansmaking your computereasier to use so we're going to startout by taking a look at the ease ofaccess centeri'm going to show you some options thatyou do have when it comes to making yourcomputer easier for you to usei'm going to go through some helpfulrecommendations

couple of examplesof ease of access settings we're goingto look at the magnifierand also speech recognitionso first of all let's jump into the easeof accesscenter now ease of access is one ofthose options that's available in boththe control paneland also settings now within this easeof accessoptions area you're going to find lotsof different things that you can change

work in windows 10 if you have certainaccessibility issues so we're going togo throughsome of these and some of them we'vealready been through in previous modulesso if you remember a couple of modulesago we were looking at how you can makeyour text biggersimply by dragging this slider up ordownto increase or decrease the text you seeon your screenand you can also make everything a bit

brightnesssettings now let's look at some of theoptions that we haven't looked atpreviouslynow if i jump across into cursor andpointerthis is where i can control my pointersize sothe pointer size by default isreasonably small so again if you haveany vision issuesyou might find it quite difficult to seewhere that pointer is

size simply by draggingthis slider up or down and you can alsochange your pointercolor and you can also change it to acompletely different color if you wantto so that reallystands out so if you can imagine if youdo have troubleseeing that small white pointer youcould change it to something like brightpink you could also change the pointersize and that's going to make it a loteasier

which we haven't looked at yet is themagnifierand the magnifier allows you to zoom inon parts of your displayyou can run the magnifier in full screenin a separate window or as a lens thatfollows your mouse pointeraround the screen so again this would befor somebody who maybe hasvision problems who finds it hard to seetextitems commands that are on the displayso if i just turn the magnifier on

magnifies what i'm looking at on thissettings pageand i can control that using this littlepanel so if it zoomed in too much i canclick the minus to take that back downto 100or i can zoom in again zoom in againand make it as big as i likenow what i can also do is if i click theviews drop down currently i have it settofull screen now if i was to click onlens

to 200 percent you can seenow this little square magnifier willfollow my mouse pointer wherever iam so if i want to see something inparticular so if i want to zoom in overherei can just hover the magnifier over thissectionand it instantly magnifies that text butkeeps everything else the same sizeso that's a really really nice littleoption if you do haveissues like that and of course to come

to close that magnifier down now thereare some shortcut keys for thatmagnifier to make it super easy for youto toggle in and out of that modeif you press the windows logo key plusthe plus to turn on the magnifierand then the windows logo key plusescape to turn the magnifier offso let's just try that out i'm going tohold down the windows logo keyand i'm going to say plus and there wego i get my magnifier backwindows logo key and escape and it turns

now the next options in this menu reallyrelate to thecolor of items on your screenso if you have issues with colorblindnessor maybe you confuse certain colors thenthis is probably where you're going towant to comeand check to make sure that everything'sset up correctly for youso you can see here color filters makephotos and colorseasier to see by applying a color filter

so if i was to select on to turn onthese color filtersyou can see that i have gray scaleselectednow what i could do is say inverted andthat's essentially going to reverse thecolors on my screen so now i have ablack backgroundand white text which sometimes is a loteasier for people to seebecause the contrast is higher and thenright at the bottom we have somecolor schemes that are really there for

color blindness so you can see it saysselect a color blindness filter to makethe nine colors on the wheelmore distinct so we have red green wherethe greenis weak we then have red green where thered is weakand then blue yellow so lots ofoptions in there for people who havedifficultyin seeing colors we also have in here ahigh contrast area and you can see hereit says make text and apps easier to see

so high contrast colors in general arecolors that are very opposite of eachotherso that might be bright white text on ablackbackground or the opposite of that awhite background and blacktext so if i turn on high contrastcolorsyou can see here it makes all of thattextvery different from the background andof course as always you have different

on which you prefer and you can go alittle bit further and customize how youwant each element in that theme toappear so currentlyi have text set to yellow but if i clicki'm going to get my color pane come upand maybe i want that to be a brightpinkand then when i click on apply at thebottom i can save it as a new theme andthenutilize that in windows now i'm notgoing to do that i'm just going to click

out of there and i'm going to turn offhigh contrastmoving down this list we have narratorso narrator is a screen reader so againthat describes what's on the screen soyou can use the information to navigateon your deviceand it can be controlled by keyboardtouch andmouse so again if you have some kind ofvision problemthen maybe you want to turn on narratorso you can gain a greater understanding

actually on the screen and you can seejust below here you have variousdifferent options that you can customizeif narrator is something that you wantto useincluding the narrator voice so you canselect the accent you can select thelanguageand you have all of these differentsample voices that you can use as yournarratorand if you want to you can change thevoice speed so if it's a bit slow you

and you can also change the pitch of thevoice and also the voicevolume so moving down our list we're nowmoving on tooptions which are specifically forpeople who have troublehearing so if we click on audio again wecan do things likechange our device volume now rememberyou don't have to come into settings tochange the volume on your deviceyou can do that directly from thetaskbar down here

a microphone at the moment and i canadjustmy volume and one nice little optiondown hereis how alerts and notifications arehandledif you are hearing impaired so currentlyi have it set to no visual alert but ifi wanted toin order to be notified that i have anotificationi can choose one of these other optionsso i can choose to flash the title bar

i can flash the whole active window ican flash the entirescreen other options that you have isthe ability to turn onclosed captioning so you can see here itsays make your device easier to usewithout soundby displaying audio as textand you can see there a preview of whatyour captions are going to look likeand every element of this caption iscustomizable and you can see underneathyou can

transparency the stylethe size and even change the captionbackground so if you do have vision orhearing problemsthe ease of access area is definitelysomething you should be comingagain to set things up that are going tomake your lifeeasy now finally at the bottom we havesomeinteraction options so let's click onspeechnow most of these options would be for

ability when it comes toreach or strength so instead of typingmaybe you possibly have something wrongwith your wrist or your fingersyou can choose to talk instead of typeusing dictation and you can see herethere is a keyboard shortcut to turnthat onit's windows logo key plus h to startdictationand of course you can also usemicrosoft's inbuiltartificial intelligence cortana to get

so instead of having to jump onto googletype your question inyou could utilize cortana to do that foryouthrough your voice you can also choosetodictate text and control your deviceusingonly your voice and again that's usingspeech recognitionso maybe you want to open word and starttyping a documentif you turn on speech recognition you

opposed to clicking with your mouseif we jump down to keyboard this is thesection which will help you make iteasier totype and also use your keyboardshortcutsso the first option there is use yourdevice without a physical keyboardso if i turn that on you can see that iget essentially this littlefloating keyboard and if i'm on a touchdevice then i can tap on the screen inorder to use this keyboard or i can use

make it easier for you todo keyboard shortcuts particularly ifyou have some kind of issue with yourwrists or your fingersand you find it quite difficult to presscontroland another key and another key all atthe same timeyou can use something called sticky keyswhich allows you to press one key at atime for keyboard shortcutsso if i was doing a keyboard shortcut ofwindows key

sticky keys turned on it just means thati can pressthe windows key and then the d in orderto execute that keyboard shortcut idon't have to strain myself trying to dothem both at the same timeso sticky keys is another really usefullittle feature we also have the optionto play a sound when we're using togglekeys so for example if we press capslock or num lock or scroll lockwe can choose to play a sound to let usknow that we've got that turned on

that you might want to customize so oneof them is the print screenshortcut now print screen is a key onyour keyboard that you can use toessentially take a screenshot ofwhatever is on your screen at thatparticular timenow i'm going to turn this setting onbecause when i press the print screenbuttoni want it to open my screen snippingutilityand this is a really useful little

modules now the final two options wehave down here aremouse so i could choose to control mymouse with a keypadso again if i have wrist issues thatmakes it difficult for me to use mymousei could turn on mouse keys to use thenumeric keypadto move the mouse pointer around insteadand you have various different optionsrelated to thatunderneath and finally we have eye

so eye control lets you use eye trackingtechnology to control the mousetype using an on-screen keyboard andcommunicate with people using textto speech now in order for this to workyou need to havean eye tracking device plugged in andinstalled on your laptopbut if you do have that then this iswhere you can cometo customize those settings so those areall of the options that you have withinease of access so if you do have any

jumpingin here and setting things up to suityou now one final thing i want to showyouis we're going to jump into controlpanel because as i said at the startthere are also ease of access optionsfrom within control panel so you can seehere i'm going to click on ease ofaccessand most of these are very similar tothe settings that we've just gonethrough

is a little wizardthat will essentially tell windows 10which settings you needturned on for the particular issues thatyou haveso if i was to click let windows suggestsettingsyou can see here it's going to take methrough this little wizard and i need toanswerfive questions so here it says selectall statements that apply to youimages and text on tv are difficult to

lighting conditions make it difficult tosee images on my screeni am blind i have another type of visionimpairmentso you would go through and you wouldselect the conditions that apply to youclick next to take you on to the nextquestionso essentially you can work your waythrough this wizard then at the end ofit windows is going toturn on and turn off the settings thatyou

it quite right you could jump in thereand make any further minor adjustmentsbut i wanted to show you that becausethat does take quite a lot of the stressout of all of those options in ease ofaccessso that is it for this module i will seeyou in the next onehi guys and welcome back to this courseon windows 10.we've made it all the way down tosection 5 where we're going to move onto

10so this is really the fun part where weget to do things like change ourbackground picturechange the colors personalize the startbutton and look atthemes so let's start out withpersonalizingthe lock screen so the first thing i'mgoing to do hereis just remind you of what my lockscreen looks likeso i'm going to click on the windows

picture is i'm going to right clickand i'm going to say lockso you can see on my lock screen i havea background picturei have a couple of links listed on hereso in the top left hand corner i can getto my favorite sites from the taskbarwith a quickclick i have a little like what you seelink in the top right hand cornerso this is referring to that backgroundpicture which hasbeen automatically generated for me by

picture that i've setit's automatic and by clicking that linkin the top right hand corner to say thati like what i seemeans that windows 10 is going to carryon essentiallysending me more photos that are similarfor use on my lock screen you can see inthe bottom left hand corner i have thetimeand the current date and underneath it'sshowing me that i havetwo new emails ready and waiting then

i'm connected to wi-fiand i can also see if my battery ischarged or not so that is what icurrently haveon my lock screen so let's take a lookat the options that we have forpersonalizing that lock screeni'm going to right click on the desktopand i'm going to jump down topersonalizeand if we look over in our menu on theleft hand side you can see we havelock screen so currently the background

is windows spotlight so basically thisis apicture that's generated by windows foruse on my lock screenhowever i have a couple of other optionsin here i can go topicture and i can then choose thepicture that i want to use on mybackgroundso there are a few different ones thatare available frommicrosoft and these are always quitenice pictures that you might want to

your own photosaved off locally then you can click onbrowse and you can browse for whicheverpicture you want to use as your desktopbackgroundwe also have a slideshow option in hereas wellso if you select this option it meansit's going to cycle throughthe default picture folder and it willessentiallymake a slideshow so if you want to usethis option and you want to use your own

you can select which albums you want touse for your slideshowso you'll either have to move thepictures that you want to use into oneof these default foldersor you can choose to add a folder so ifyou haveall of your nice pictures stored off ina different folderyou can choose that folder and it willuse all of the picturesin there in the slideshow andalternatively if i wanted to just go

one picture i can browseand let's go for this one of the hot airballoonsclick choose picture and there we goso a couple of different ways there asto how you set that picture in thebackground of your lock screennow one thing you will have noticed onmy lock screen is that it was displayingthe dateand the time now you can see here itsays choose one app to showdetailed status on the lock screen

now i'm actually going to change thatbecause i want to see the weatheron my lock screen so i'm going to clickand i'm going to chooseweather and what i'm going to do is i'mgoing to havemy calendar so the date and time showingas a quick status so currently i havemy mail notification showing i have mycalendar which is fineand i also have my skype status as welland if i want to i can click thesepluses and i can add

so maybe i want to add something likethe microsoftstore now it's worth noting with thesethat they won't showall the time so for example even thoughi've got skype selected here as my quickstatusbecause i don't have skype running and idon't really use skype to be honestif there's nothing to show it's notgoing to show on the lock screennow it's also worth noting that you canhave cortana

there's a little link here cortanalock screen settings and you can seethere is a section here specifically forlock screen so if you want to be able touse cortanaeven when your device is locked makesure that you have thisturned on so now we've set thosesettingsi'm going to close this down and i'mgoing to lock my pc again so you can seethe changes that i've made in actionso i'm going to click on the start menu

i'm going to say lockso now we've taken a look at customizingthat lock screen let's take a look atour desktop backgroundso currently i'm just using one of thesestandard images that's availablein windows 10 but if i right click mymouse and go down topersonalize this is where i can changethatso again i have the options of picturesolid color orslideshow now in this case i'm going to

for a picture and once again i have achoice of those standard imagesavailable from microsoft or i can chooseto use one of myown photos so i'm going to browseand this time i'm going to use thisimage justhere and click on choose picturenow i'm going to minimize this windowdown a little bit so you can see thatpicture in the backgroundnow currently where it says choose a fiti've set it to fill

have some other options in herei could say fit so essentially now ihavetwo black lines down the side of mypicturenow the difference between fit and fillis that when i choose fill itessentially zooms into that picturein order to be able to fill the entirespace without distorting that picturebut what i'm seeing here is less of thepicture than if i choose one of theother options

don't want it to zoom inif you do fit then you're going to seethat whole picturebut you might have some spare space downthe sidenow the other options you have arestretchwhich will distort it a little bit andjust stretch it out to fill thatavailable space as opposed to zooming inyou have tile which is going to tilethat picture now this is a pretty largepicture so

because the picture is so largebut if you were using a smaller image itwould appearin tiles running across your desktopbackgroundwe have center so again that's going tozoom it in and put it rightin the center which actually looks quitenice on this imageand then finally we have span whichagainfits your picture in a slightlydifferent way so it all depends how you

now i quite liked the center optionso i'm going to choose that one now ifyou are using a solid fill as thebackground color you can choose from thepaletteand you can choose any of these colorsnow when it comes to personalizing someof the other elements of your desktopif we jump down to start this is whereyou can personalize your start buttonnow mine's kind of set to the defaultsbut you can essentially choose whichfolders

rememberpreviously we came in here and wetoggled this topsetting on which made my start menu lookmuch more like an older version ofwindows where you only see the tiles asopposed to the tiles and the menui have show app list and start menuturned onso our app list is this list runningdown herebut again if you wanted to you couldtoggle that off and then when you go in

mine on so let's switch that back oni can show recently added apps so againi quite like this at the top so i cansee the last applications that i addedyou can show most used apps as well solet's turn that onand you can do things like use the startfull screenif you wanted to so again it's alwaysworth jumping into here and customizingthese optionsand then right at the bottom we canchoose which folders we want to appear

we're talking about when we click onstart you can see down here i havedocumentspictures settings and powerand this is where i would come tocustomize what's displayed on thereso for example if i was to turn on musicand click the start button you'll nowsee that musicappears just there i could turn on fileexplorerand now i have a quick link to my fileexplorer so a nice quick and easy way to

those icons now the final thing i'mgoing to talk about in this moduleis this themes area and you can come inhere and you can choose anoverall theme for windows 10 so you cansee here that because i've made somechanges so for example i've just changedmy desktop background pictureto this file just here i've changed mybackground color to sagemy sounds are just the windows defaultand my mouse cursor is windowsaero so this is essentially my

and i couldsave this theme as deb'stheme and click on saveif i scroll down you can see thatthere's lots of other different themesthat i could chooseand i could even jump across into themicrosoft store and downloadother themes so for example if we clickon synchronize themeyou can see here that's going to changemy background to one of the windowsdefault backgrounds

mytiles are going to be by default in thatsea foam colorand then my sounds are windows defaultmy mouse cursor is windows defaultand if you wanted to change any of theseyou can just click on the optiongo in and change your color settings nowi'm not going to delve too much intothat they're fairly straightforward i'mgoing to leave you to have a play aroundset a default theme if you want to nowthe final thing i'm going to do is i'm

we go to personalizethemes i'm going to use my themeand there we go that's it for thismodule i will see you in the next onehello everyone and welcome back to thiscourse on windows 10.we're down to the last module in thissection section5 we're going to talk a little bit moreabout managingtiles and applications now we've spokenquite a lot alreadyabout this start menu area and i really

this part of the course out just bygoing through some of the options wehaven't looked at yetwhen it comes to organizing and managingyour tilesbecause really this little area here isyour central areait's where you go to access yourapplications your appsand you'll see in a moment that you caneven come here to access things likeweb pages and folders as well nowcurrently looking at this i haven't

it pretty much looks the way it lookedwhen i installed windows i have some default tiles that havebeen placed in thereand one thing that you will notice isdepending onthe device that you're using you mayfind that the manufacturer of thatdevicehas placed some of their products orsome of theirweb pages in the start menu for youfor example i'm using an hp laptop and

hp jump starts that isn't something iinstalledit literally came with my copy ofwindows 10on this hp laptop so bear in minddepending on the kind of devicethat you use and where it's been shippedfrom you might have slightly differenttiles to meso the first thing we're going to talkabout in this module is managing yourtilesi'm then going to talk to you about

and then finally managing your appsnow we're going to be working a lot withthese tiles and we're going to start outby looking at how we can manage them abit betternow one thing to be careful of here whenyou're doing things like thisis that remember if you click on a tileit's going to open that applicationso just be a little bit careful as we'reworking through so you don't keepopening things that you don't need tonow i'm going to take this tile here

microsoft'sinternet browser you may have usedinternet explorer in the past this isbasically their latest versionnow if i right click on that tile you'llsee that i have lots and lots ofdifferent optionsi could choose to unpin this from thestart areanow if i do that it's going to remove itas a tilenow i actually like having that on mystart menu so to add that back

it in the list hereright click and say pin to startwhat you'll also notice is that if iclick on my desktop backgroundbecause i have microsoft edge as ashortcut on my desktop if i right clicki also have the pin to start option inthereand there it is back again now it's beenre-addedas the last tile in this list so i'mgoing to move this back to its originallocation

itso very simple to move your tilesaround what you'll also notice is if youright click on a tileyou'll have resize options now theresize options that you see in hereare different depending on the tile thatyou're right clicked onso you can see for this particular tilethe only options i have are medium whichis currently setor small and you can see that that willreduce the size of that particular tile

resize that back to medianhowever if i click on something likemaleup here and right click if i go toresize i have smallmedium wide and largeif we select wide you can see it makesa wide tile or if i was to go to largei get a much larger tile which takes upquite a lot of space on that start menubut that can sometimes be quite usefulparticularly for somethinglike your mail app because it's going to

you gotin the live preview there so as you canseethis tile is what we call a live tileit's showing me the contents of my emailandas that refreshes if i get any newemails come through this tile is goingtoupdate now if you like lifetimes that'sabsolutely fine but if you want to turnthat off again if you right-clickand go to more you can say turn live

and instead of actually seeing thecontents of my mail account i now justsee the mailicon now i'm going to make thata medium tile again other things thatyou have in hereso if i right click on let's say theweather app and go to morei can choose to pin this to my taskbarso if i find that i'm always using thatweather app if i select pin to taskbaryou can now see it down there in mytaskbar ready to access

taskbar i can say unpinto remove that now some other optionsthat you have when you right click andagain let's use this weather appif i go down to more i can jump straightto that appsettings now this is an app and so thesettings i can change are fairly minimalbut it is just a nice quick way of beingable to go in and adjust some of thosesettings for that particularapp or tile if we right click one moretime and go to more

now you'll only see rate and review inthis menuif you're right-clicked on an app sothat is a very specific feature that'sonly for apps you won't find that onsomething likeedge which is a microsoft app if we goto moreyou'll see that we don't have rate orreviewnow i want to really organize and tidyup my tiles so the first thing i'm goingto do is i'm going to go through and i'm

apps that i don't really use all thatmuchso i don't really tend to play gamesduring the day i'm going to right clickand i'm going to say unpin from startin fact i'm going to remove this wholeplay tilei'm going to say unpin folder from startnow solitaire i do play thatoccasionally so i'm just going to movethat over herenetflix i like to watch on my laptopoccasionally so that can stay

i'm going to right clickand i'm going to say unpin from startnow this is probably an appropriate timeto mentionthat unpinning from start is verydifferent to uninstallinguninstalling will remove that particularapp that you're clicked onfrom your pc entirely so it's not goingto be thereif you want to use it again you're goingto have to reinstall that back onto yourpc

your start menu i'm also going to unpinhpjump starts and also mcafeeso very quickly i've streamlined whati'm seeing on my tilesnow here you can see a tile thatcontains lots of my applications andthese are probably the applications iuse most oftennow they're all in one tile because thisis essentially a tilefolder so if i click on it it's going toseparate out

see just above it now saysname folder so i'm going to saymicrosoftproductivity appsand click away now i don't tend to useskype so i'm going to right clickand i'm going to unpin that from startbut the rest of them i doi also use microsoft to-do list so thatcan very comfortably go underneath thatgroupof productivity apps now this top grouphere

that titleif i wanted to change that i could justclick on it and i could rename thatgroup as something else but i don't mindlife at a glanceso i'm just going to do some rearranginghere i'm going to move weatherand i'm going to change this exploregroup to sayentertainmenti'm going to put netflix up there i'malso going to put solitaire thereand i'm going to put the microsoft store

to name this groupuh store like soand what i might want to do here isbecause there's just one tile i canright clicksay resize and i'm going to say widejust to move that acrossnow you'll see here i also have a tilewith an up arrow on it and if i click itit's going to minimize all of thoseproductivity apps down into that folderclick again to pull those out nowremember you can

this start menu so i've just recentlyinstalled the twitter app so if i rightclickand say pin to start it's going to giveme my twitter app and i'm going to dragthat up tolife at a glance like so now it's alsoworth remembering that it's not justapps and desktop programs that you canadd tothis tiled area of the start menu youcan alsoadd things like folders so for example

add this exercise files folder tomy start menu as a tile i can rightclick on the exercise files folderand i can say pin to startso now if we go back you can see thereis myexercise files folder and i want to dragthat down hereand create another folder group wherei say work filesi can then go back and maybe do the samewith the course files folderpin to start

underneath work filesas well so again when i expand that thatis whatmy tiles are now starting to look likeso as you can see it is reasonablysimple to customize the tiles thatyou're seeing therecreate groups and move your tiles aroundso a little exercise for you which isn'ta real exercise but definitely somethingyou should have a go withis just customizing that whole area onyour pc


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