when you get a new windows 10 pcthere are settings that you'll
likelywant to change to improve theperformanceincrease your productivity
and enhancethe overall usabilityin this video i'll show you more than
adozen settings that you'll want tochangeright away coming up next on
techgumbowe'll start with the absolute basicsfirst before moving on to
the moreadvanced settings coming up later in
you'll notice when
you first launchwindows 10 that microsoft edge is yourdefault internet
browserwhile it has improved quite a bit youmay prefer to use another
that suits youbetterto change your default internet browserleft click
the windows start menuin the lower left the taskbar and selectsettingsgo
over to apps and click on itin the left pane select default appsfind
web browser in the list and click
from the list of installed
browsersclick on the one you want as yourdefault browservivaldi is a
good one you'll now getthis pop-upthat says check it out or switch
anywayclick onswitch anyway after making the changeall links you click
on from your emailor any other non-browser source will nowopen in the
default browser you chosemost often when you buy a new windows 10pc
you'll find software like antivirus
free-to-play games or some
othersoftware pre-installed taking upvaluable disk spaceand resources to
uninstall this crapwarehere on the settings app home screenlet's go
back into apps and make surethat apps and featuresin the left pane is
selected now scrollthrough the list of apps that you haveinstalledwhen
you find one that you want toremove click on it and selectuninstall and
click uninstall again
any programs you've installedthat you no
longer use or trust and ifound one hereuninstall and uninstall againby
default windows 10 apps menus andfolders all have a light background
withblack textif you prefer a black background withwhite text insteadon
the settings home screen go topersonalizationin the left pane select
colorswhere it says choose your color in the
dark and custom to
enable dark modeselect dark let's go back to the dropdown menuwhen you
choose custom it lets you mixand match whether it's light or dark forthe
default windows modeand default app mode while manycompanies will say
that they truly careabout your privacythey really don't and microsoft is
nodifferentto keep more of your information toyourself and reduce what
microsoft knows
on the settings home screen go toprivacymake sure
that you're in the general tabhere on the left over here on the
rightwhile microsoft uses clever wording tomake each of these seem
helpful when youhave them turned onthe honest truth is that they're
reallynot so it's best to switch all of theseto offif you have one of
those low-priced pcsthat don't typically give you a lot ofdisk space
space for files that you no longerneedon the settings home screen to
enablestorage sense go tosystem in the left paneselect storage here at
the top where itsaysstorage sense can automatically free upspace by
getting rid of files that youdon't needlike temporary files and content
in yourrecycle bin toggle the switch to onthen click configure storage
sense or
under the subheading run storage senseyou can configure
it to run every dayevery week every month or during lowfree disk spaceto
remove files in your downloads folderand recycle binif you check the
box in temporary filesit will delete files your apps are nolonger
usingselecting the drop down menus lets youchoose how often this
occursand below that if you want to free upsome space right away
the operating systemwindows 10 will decide on the propersize of the
text icons and otherelements for your laptop screen orexternal
displaysometimes the scaling is too small toread or too large where
everythingdoesn't fiton the settings app home screen toadjust the
display scalinggo to system make sure that display isselected in the
left paneand select the display on the right that
scroll down to
the section scale andlayoutselect the first drop down menu in
thissection and experiment with thedifferent percentages to find a
scalingthat works best for youin your situationwhen you start up your
computer thereare many unneeded programs that willalso want to
startslowing down your boot time to disablethose programs you don't
needimmediately upon launch
managerhere at the top select the
startup tabclick the status filter to show thosethat are enabled at the
topselect a program you'd like to disablewhen your computer startsand
then here in the lower right selectdisableby default whenever you
install aprogram or change a vital settingyou'll have an annoying dialog
box popup asking do you want to allow this appto make changes to your
you don't want to be treated like athree-year-oldgo to the
search box in the lower leftand type user account controlselect change
user account controlsettingsthe default setting is notifying me onlywhen
apps try to make changes to mycomputerthe slider lets you increase
anddecrease the levels of notificationwhen you move the slider all the
waydown you will never get notified when
or making changes to
your computer butdoing this could put your systemat risk in case of
human error do whatworks best for you based on yourexperience levelif
you make any changes click okthe suffix is at the end of file namesthat
let you know the type of file arehidden by defaultapparently microsoft
thinks fileextensions are confusing for most peopleto make all file
extensions visible inthe search box
then select it go to the view
taband uncheck hide extensions for knownfile typeswhile we're here
microsoft also hidesmany files and folders includingoperating system
filesto make those visible toggle show hiddenfilesfolders and drives
let's scroll downmake sure the box next to heightprotected operating
system files isunchecked when you're done making yourchanges click ok
that help to save you timei'll show you how to create keyboardshortcuts
to launch your favoriteprogramsfor this one we'll use the commandprompt
in the search boxtype cmd right click on command promptand select run
as administratorenter explorerspace shell colonapps with a capital a
folder with acapital fthen hit enter on your keyboard
that you have installedwhen you find a program that you useoften left
click on it and drag it toyour desktopright click on the shortcut and
selectpropertiesin the shortcut key box enter the keycombo beginning
with ctrlalt and a letter then click oknow when you use the keyboard
shortcutthat program will openrepeat the steps to create
keyboardshortcuts for the other programs that
for those times
your computer beginsacting crazy due to a faulty driveran install of bad
software or some otherreason your best option is to revertback to a
timeyour pc worked perfectly to do thisyou'll need to enable system
protectionand set up system restore points in thesearch boxenter restore
pointselect create a restore point with thesystem protection tab
selectedselect the system drive which for most
drive then click
configuretoggle on turn on system protection movethe slider belowto
adjust the maximum disk space usage irecommend anywhere from three to
fivepercentwhen you're done click okto create your first restore point
clickon creategive it a name i'll call it my firstrestore pointi won't
be doing this now but when youclick on create just wait for it to
the next two settings we'll beworking with the registry editorit's
highly advised to create a restorepoint prior to making any changes to
theregistryin the search box enter regeditselect registry editor prior
to logginginto your systemwindows 10 will show you an unnecessarylock
screen that you have to clickthrough first before entering your pinor
password to get rid of it doubleclick
double click scroll down if
neededgo to policies microsoftwindows and personalizationwith
personalization selected rightclick in the right panehover new and click
dword 32-bit valuename it no lock screen exactly as itappears on
screenwith no spaces with the first letter ofeach word capitalizedopen
it up and set the value to 1.click ok when you're doneanother irritating
issue for windows
processes you have running to exitslowing down
the shutdown process here'show you can speed up shutdownsonce again in
the search box typeregeditand select registry editordouble click hkey
local machine go downto systemcurrent control set and controlhere on the
right double click rate tokill service timeoutit's currently set to
5000 set the valueto no lower than 2000
will wait to terminate an
unresponsiveserviceafter you click ok we'll be creatingthree new
stringsjust above hkey local machine doubleclick hkey current user go to
control paneland desktop over here in the right panego to an empty
space and right clickhover newand select string valueand you'll see it
down here highlightedin blue name it
app timeoutwith the string
and the two to followit's important to name them exactly asshown on the
screenopen it set the value to 2000 and clickokcreate a new string
valuewe'll name this one hung app timeoutopen it and set this value to
2000 aswellthen click ok and for the final stringcreate a new string as
you did beforeand name this one auto end tasks
click okafter
following these steps you shouldnotice that your shutdown timeis now
much quicker than it was beforethanks for watching if this video
isuseful for you give it a thumbs up andshare with otherswhat settings
would you recommend thatpeople change on windows 10let us know about
them in the commentsand if you're new to our channelsubscribe and hit
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Home Windows 10 tips Windows 10 Settings You Should Change Right Away!
Windows 10 Settings You Should Change Right Away!
By My World At February 05, 2022 0
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