How to scale the result of digital marketing campaigns?


How to scale the result of digital marketing campaigns?

Digital marketing campaigns are all online actions carried out by a company to generate some results. Its most common goals are engagement, conversions, traffic, and sales.
Within these purposes, marketing campaigns can be used at various times and through different channels. But regardless of what they are, it becomes more than clear to companies the importance of these strategies—especially concerning results and brand reach.
Given this scenario, the goal for companies is to look for ways to optimize their marketing campaigns. More precisely, performance media, to make the most of your investments and increase your return.
But what almost nobody realizes is that it is not always necessary to have super creative and unique ideas. Many companies are merely forgetting about 'beans and rice' and sometimes don't see how small changes help. Or even how the development of a culture of testing and optimization already makes a real difference.
To understand how you can scale your digital marketing campaigns through practical guidance, continue reading until the end.

Main mistakes of digital marketing campaigns

When it comes to digital marketing campaigns, or performance media campaigns, it is quite common for many companies and professionals to make simple mistakes that ultimately impact the results considerably.
First of all, it is essential to understand what can NOT be done in digital marketing campaigns. After all, when you learn the main mistakes, you can avoid significant losses.
We list below the 5 main general mistakes made by companies when structuring their media campaigns:

1- No media planning:

Many do not realize that marketing campaigns are not about doing. You need to know how to do it, intelligently!
It's no use skipping steps and simply boosting any posts on your social networks. Or even activate campaigns if you don't know whether those keywords are right for your strategy. If they are the most sought after by your persona, they have volume and ideal CPC.
Also, good media planning prevents your company from spending more than necessary and strategically distributing your budget by the days of the month to achieve the goals.

2- Absence of reports

Companies that do not carry out media planning hardly build reports of what was done during the month or even in the quarter. Which only exacerbates the problem.
If companies do not find ways, even if they are minimal, to evaluate their campaigns' results, and if they were satisfied or not, they are bound to replicate mistakes and burn their money.
It's easy enough to complain that Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, or Google Ads don't work for your company when you don't do a smarter, more professional study. Evaluating important metrics and comparing them with market rates to understand the natural health of your marketing campaigns.

Some of the primary metrics that need to be tracked in marketing campaigns are:
• CPC - Cost per click
• CPL - Cost per lead
• CTR - Click-through rate
• CPA - Cost per acquisition
• CPM - Cost per Thousand Impressions

If you make that mistake, you need to stop now and start metrifying! You may be losing money or, at the very least, losing the chance to make that investment pay off even more for your business.
3- Do not elaborate any channel test
Within what was discussed in the past topic, many companies not only fail to strategically plan and report on their campaigns but also do not conduct channel tests before increasing and strengthening investments.
In this way, they work entirely blind to the channels used or the type of advertisement.
Just think: are you investing a large part of your marketing budget in the best acquisition channel? Are you getting the most out of your efforts?
The best way to know this is to test it to understand what works best for your company and persona. And the channel test is precisely that!

4- Do not perform any parameterization

Even when the company makes an individual report and tracks some metrics, it will never be accurate of its results if it does not correctly parameterize its campaigns' links.
In general, parameterizations are codes that you implement in your campaign's destination URL to track the exact source of traffic. Through it, you determine parameters for all your campaigns (e-mail, social networks, among others), and therefore it must be carried out with great care and in a standardized way.
To better understand: imagine that your company has several active campaigns driving traffic to your site. If you don't parameterize correctly, you will never understand which channel is sending the most visits.
The most common parameter is the UTM (Urchin Tracking Module). And there are support tools for this task, with the Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder.

5- Focus only on the quantity and not quality

Many companies sin in thinking that the number of campaigns running, channels used, or even money invested will be directly proportional to the results and generated a return.
Mostly because of a large number of leads or even visitors will not always correspond to a great result. After all, there is no point in hitting your goals if all the people affected by your campaigns do not have a fit or interest in your business.
Just think: do you prefer 50 opportunities in the month with a CPL of $4 with a low fit or 25 opportunities with a high interest in your solution with a CPL of $10? You don't need a lot of time to know which one will present the most excellent chance of selling, and therefore a better ROI.

When analyzing what should and should not be done concerning digital marketing campaigns and performance media, we realize that, despite involving "small" changes and changes, we are not talking about tasks as simple as that. Mainly because it affects your company's money and effort, these strategies need to be taken very seriously.
Within digital marketing, this type of campaign is the main gateway to new leads and brand strengthening. Doing this in an optimized and efficient way is not merely like following a cake recipe, just like almost everything from digital.


More and more digital marketing strategies, methodologies, and concepts are gaining ground among companies and professionals. Today there is a complete bombardment of actions and marketing campaigns spread all over the internet. Which makes it difficult for brands to achieve differentiation, increase audience reach, and more significant results.


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